1. Me

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Hi, I'm Tina (friends and family call me Tee).
The most defining trait of my life is that I am a perfectionist and am obsessed with doing everything the best, most efficient way it could possibly be done.
Or at least, I thought that was the most defining trait of my existence... until I met Christ.
Or at least, I thought that was when I met Christ until I learnt that that was just when I started paying attention to my relationship with Him.
What was I saying again? Yeah, perfectionism. I am a User Experience Designer and this means I streamline systems and processes to make things, digital and physical products, as easy as possible. I'm obsessed with it, I love my job so much, it's a problem 😂 So, it's interesting to notice these patterns in my dealings with Jesus. He takes out a lot of junk out of my mind and creates new mental connections and explains His why's to me. It makes my thought processes and walking towards my goals so much easier and more seamless. This whole time thing intrigues me and I love it so much.
This is the story of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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