1. Ravenwood Mansion: A New Beginning

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With my body sinking into the soft mattress and tears soaking the pillow beneath my head, I couldn't shake the haunting image of that fateful night. The night that changed everything.

I had been out with my friends Leah and Charlette , enjoying a movie . But as I returned home, the clock striking around ten, I was met with a scene of chaos and horror. 

The sickly sweet stench of blood and death filled my nostrils as I stared at my father's lifeless body, sprawled on the pristine white marble floor. The once immaculate surface was now stained crimson, a silent witness to the horror that had unfolded that fateful night. 

He was gone. My father, my only family, had been taken from me in an instant. I was left adrift in a sea of grief and loss, with no one to anchor me. No one to come home to, no one to wait for at night. No comforting routine of reminding him to take his medicine. Just an empty house and a shattered heart.

As memories of my father replayed in my mind like a broken record, I was jolted from my reverie by a sudden knock at the door. 

Fear gripped me - who could it be? Was I in danger? But the soft, hesitant sound of the knock pushed those thoughts aside and I found myself rising from the bed and making my way to the door. 

With a deep breath, I reached out and turned the handle, opening the door to whoever stood on the other side.

As I opened the door, I was greeted by a woman with a gentle smile. She was beautiful, with delicate features and a kind expression. "Hello, Ms. Davis," she said. "My name is Sarah. I'm Mr. Zyrian's assistant."

"Hello," I replied hesitantly, clueless about this Mr. Zyrian.

"I'm here to check on you," she said in a soft, empathetic tone. "I hope you're feeling safe here." 

I stepped aside and invited her into the room.

"Ms. Davis, I understand that you might be confused about why you were brought here without any clear information," she continued as she took a seat. "I just wanted to let you know that you can feel comfortable here. Mr. Zyrian is a good friend of your late father's and when he heard the news, he wanted to make sure you were taken care of. Since your father was your only family, he brought you to Ravenwood Mansion."

"Oh," I said, the weight of her words settling heavily on my shoulders. "So I'll be staying here now?" I asked, still unsure of what this all meant.

"Yes," she confirmed. "He believes it would be safer for you to stay here after what happened to your father. As the daughter of one of his close friends, he feels a sense of responsibility to keep you safe."

"Is there anything you want to ask me, Ms. Davis?" she inquired gently. But my mind was a whirlwind of confusion and I couldn't find the words to voice my thoughts. 

"No," I said softly.

"Alright," she said as she stood up. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call for me. I'll leave you now." And with that, she closed the door behind her.

 As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but take in the grandeur of the mansion's room  around me. The imposing white door towered above me, the room filled with lavish furniture and priceless paintings. The air was thick with the soft scent of fresh flowers and polished wood, and the marble floor shone so brightly that it reflected my image clearer than any mirror. The soft glow of chandeliers cast a warm light over everything, illuminating the intricate details of the ornate décor.

But despite its beauty, the mansion felt intimidating and overwhelming. It was more than just a rich person's house - it was a palace fit for royalty. 

Who exactly is Mr. Zyrian? Why had I never heard of him from my father? And most importantly, how did my father know a man with such wealth?

We weren't poor - we had a decent house that was more than big enough for two people. The rooms were spacious and airy, with large windows that let in plenty of light. I used to dance around as my father played the piano, his fingers moving effortlessly over the keys as he produced beautiful melodies. 

He had learned to play for my mother - she had taken piano lessons when she was younger and he had joined the classes so he could pursue her. Surprisingly, my father had become quite skilled at playing and my mother would often ask him to teach her how he did it with such ease. That was basically how they fell in love.

But now... now I had no one to play me those beautiful notes of Chopin. No one to fill the empty silence with music and laughter.

Despite its beauty, the mansion felt cold and empty to me. It was a stranger's house, filled with unfamiliar sights and sounds. It was nothing like the cozy home I had shared with my father, filled with memories and laughter. Here, I was alone and adrift in a sea of luxury that felt more like a prison than a sanctuary

The day soon melted away into the duvet of darkness . And so, as the night deepened and the mansion fell silent around me, I lay in my bed and wondered what the future held for a girl who had lost everything.

 And so, as the night deepened and the mansion fell silent around me, I lay in my bed and wondered what the future held for a girl who had lost everything

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i wonder,

have he noticed himself in the mirror

when he smiles

he stirs the divinity of heavens,

he belittles the illumination of fireflies.

                                                                       Amelia Davis


NOTE - The chapters will be updated every Wednesday. At least i will try my best to do that .

Greetings, dear readers

I'm delighted to present to you my second book - The Ballad Of Beauty and The Beast. I hope you will enjoy as much as I did writing it.

In this book, you will also find some of my original poems at the end of every other chapter.

 These poems are written by the main character, Amelia, and you will learn more about this as our story progresses. 

I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on this chapter. What do you think of Amelia and our mysterious Mr. Zyrian? 

Do you have any questions or predictions? Please leave your comments and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading and supporting my work. I appreciate every one of you.

With love,


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