6. The library

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Lan Zhan was choosing a book while deWei Ying was sitting behind a desk infront of Lan Zhan's desk. The older chose his book and went to sit down in his seat, Wei Ying following him with his eyes. He decided to read a book too, so after some time, he got up and went to different shelves to find a book for himself. Once he finally found one, he took it and walked back to his seat, sitting down and opening the book to the first page. They were both reading when Wei Ying got bored, he closed the book and sighed, getting up and putting it back to the shelve he had taken it from. He came back to seat. He sat back down and decided to just look around the library, after all he hasn't been in this place in a while, and while he did spend his punishments here, je had come to like the place, so being back here was nice, it brought back memories of him teasing Lan Zhan or being punished for breaking the rules of the clan.F

He smiled at the memories that were going thru his mind, still looking around the place. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Lan Zhan. He was looking at the older, admiring his beauty, mesmerized by his gentle yet cold look. He was unable to take his eyes off of the man that was sitting infront of him. He slowly started to fell his eye lids becoming heavy, closing them and falling asleep while still looking at Lan Zhan. He was having a peacfull sleep and Lan Zhan was reading his book peacefully, occasionally looking over at Wei Ying with a fond smile on his face, thinking of how cute the younger looked as he slept, having a pouty face with his cheeks being smushed against his arm, looking extremely squishy and cute.

He was about to finish his book when he looked over at Wei Ying, who was moving around and Lan Zhan realized that something was wrong as he also heard the younger quietly crying. Je immediately got up from his seat and went to Wei Ying, seing that the boy was visibly having another nightmare. He tried shaking Wei Ying up to wake him up but that didn't work, so he did the only thing that came to his mind. He wrapped his arms around the boy, trying to calm him down wich actually seemed to work as the younger stopped crying and became quiet, seemingly falling back to a peaceful sleep.

He was about to untangle himself from Wei Ying when the latter suddenly woke up, looking up at Lan Zhan and slightly blushing because of the fact that he was currently being hugged by the older." Lan Zhan?". He asked, confused as to why he was being hugged by Lan, considering that the latter hated any form of physical contact." Wei Ying had a nightmare". He said to explain why he was being hugged by a worried Lan Zhan." Again?". He asked, seeming as if he was disappointed in himself for doing so, and Lan Zhan seemed to sense that." Not Wei Ying fault". He said as Wei Ying decided to hug him back, making the older slightly blush as well. They were both hugging each other still a blushing mess when Lan Zhan decided to speak up." Is Wei Ying ok?". He asked." Yes". Answered simply Wei Ying." What were you doing Lan Zhan". Asked Wei Ying after a moment of silence." Reading". Replied Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying wanted to look up at Lan Zhan to see if he looked angry at him for bothering his reading time, but when he looked up, he saw that Lan Zhan was already looking at him, and not in an angry manner, but more so with a worried look. They looked at each, not looking away. Wei Ying noticed how Lan Zhan went from having a worried look too having a fond look in eyes as he starred back. Lan Zhan, seemed to notice before Wei Ying did, that there faces were getting closer and closer the longer they continued starring and soon, there faces were only meare inches apart. They both stopped when they felt each other's breath hit there faces, snapping back to reality and yet, neither were able to move or look else were.

It felt as if time froze for the two, staying in that position until they both felt someone's presence at the door. They both looked away to see Lan Xichen stepping into the library, still oblivious to what had almost happened, or so they though." Hello Wangji, childe Wei, i come to inform you that dinner is almost ready and you may come already if you wish". He explained as the two stood up and walked to the door, bowing to the older and and quietly thanking him before exiting the room and making there way to the dinner hall, both unknowingly blushing from there previous interaction.

Heyyyy, the two finally had a moment🫳🫣 hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget fo vote and/or comment🐱
Have a nice day/night 💕

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