53.Life Saver

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As soon as loud noise of gun echoed there...Yibo closed his eyes in fear..he was afraid and missing his mom and sis...but when he didn't feel any pain he opened his eyes he saw a person infront of him was bleeding...blood was oozing from his chest...but when he saw the face of that person...he shouted his name.....


Hahaha poor fellow....he came here to save you but sadly he can't even save himself....

Feng was laughing like a maniac...Yibo was crying 😢 when he saw Zhan was unconscious...he crawled near Feng...

Please...please save him...save him...I'll do whatever you want....please....

Oh bobo...my boy...you should've said this earlier....now I can't save him. He'll die for sure...poor actor...

N..no..no....please...I'm begging you...please Mr.Zhao....

Tsk...baby...as I told you He'll die and he is not useful so stop begging for him. Just think about yourself...

Zhan's condition was getting down. Suddenly everyone heard a gunshot...some cops came inside and Zhao Feng didn't get time to run away so he got arrested. And with them there was Yubin and ward boys who helped Yibo and Zhan...soon they reached hospital...Yibo was shocked so he was just mumbling things while sitting in hospital's corridor and Zhan was in OT.

Yubin informed about Zhan's condition to Xiao Family and Wang family so everyone rushed to hospital.
Zhan's mom was shattered after hearing doctor's statement; doctors informed them that his condition was critical because bullet was deep inside his body and he lost too much blood.

Yibo was crying and crying and blaming himself. When he saw his mother...

Omma....Zhan ge...Zhan ge....he is....

Shhh...bobo don't cry....are you alright...are you hurt anywhere....

No..omma...t..that bullet was...for m...me...but...but....Zhan ge...he took the bullet for me....omma...he is here because of me....that man...Zhao Feng...he c..came....omma..

Mrs.wang was shocked after hearing Zhao Feng's name. He was a nightmare for her so she was trying hard to hide her children from him but atlast he came...
She hugged Yibo tightly in her heart she was frightened...

Shh...it's okay...you are fine and my bobo is strong...so

Ofcourse your baby bobo is strong but what about our Zhan, he is fighting for his life...all because of this Yibo...

Ziyi shouted on Yibo...her words were killing Yibo who was already feeling guilty...Zhan's mom tried to calm Ziyi because she was worried for her son as well as Yibo.

Zhan was in treatment room operation was successful but still his condition was not improving so they all stayed there in the hospital...

Next morning when Doctor went to check Zhan's condition he saw that miraculously Zhan opened his eyes and mumbled a name...

On the other hand Zhao Feng killed two officers in police station and ran away with his one subordinate...
In a silent room mobile's ringtone broke the silence and Yubin received the call...


Hello...I'm cop from Zhao Feng's cell we're very sorry to inform you that he ran away with one more person...so please all of you take care of your security.

Ok...thank you officer..

Yubin informed the families about news of Feng's deeds...and Yanli and Mrs.wang was shocked to hear the news...they were worried for Yibo's security.


Thanks for reading and waiting for chapters. 🙏🏻😊

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