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Still with namjin

He pured his love ....Jin also kiss him back they kissed with full passionate rm depend on kissed they kissed like straight five minute ...they sperate due lack of oxygen

" Are you ready to become my soon to be wifey " Jin blushed his comment and hide his face in rm chest ....rm chuckle

" Omg someone is blushing " rm teased him but suddenly something pooped in Jin mind " ohh joonie I have share this with tae tae if he gets to know about this with someone else than he will be very sad and also principal calling him his paper will start next week " rm become serious

" Look Jinnie we will go tomorrow to meet tae but please don't said anything Infront tae which make there relation break ....after so many finally jk got his love now please "

" I also understand this joonie but it does not means tae will sacrifice his dream his aim ,if jk truely love him then he understand this "

" Baby he love him more than anything but don't forget how insane he be home when someone near tae , so becarefull before the storm come " he tapped his face like warning way

" Don't sacred me " Jin terrified
" I am not scaring you, I just warn you baby becarefull with your words, I always with you but it's my request leave bot of them please  " rm said and left from there leaving frustrated Jin behind

" But what about tae ,his dream " he deeply thought


Next day

Taekook was watching the   movies . Jk admire the beauty beside him where tae cutely buried his faced to his pillow and fangirl to the character but when the emotional seen come tae start to cry and see to jk who was ready to console his baby but tae was only said one thing " I want mum "

" Huh baby but I was here naw ,why you want mum ,see bunny was near you " he tried to console him but tae was tae he again and again calling Mrs kim jk not understand how to deal to this stubborn bear because one thing is clear he did not allowed to meet Mr Kim because whenever tae was with his mother he totally ignored him ....

" Baby what about if I call mum ,hmmm " he asked ..tae think 🤔 few second then said ok ....

Jk go and come with a brand new cell phone and handed to tae ...tae eyes sparkle to see the shining cell phone the  same as before he used " omg , you brought this for me "

" Yeah my queen,my baby ,my wifey , my moon of heart" he pinch his nose tae giggle which give jk satisfaction....jk made him sit on his lap and tae dailled his mother  number after few rings she pick up the call but listening to his bear voice she become emotional ....

" Mum" he muffle his lips and wiped his tears with his palm

" Mum angel ,mum sunshine,sugar cub mum miss you alot "

" Tae tae also miss you shuu much " jk patted his back to calm his down but no our tae tears flowing like river jk clench his fits to bear this pain....

" Shh don't cry mum angel "

" I am missing you mum(sniffing) how (sniff) I will not cry "

That's it jk did not endure this more he snatch the cell phone from his hand and strictly said to Mrs Kim

" If another tears drop my wifey eyes then I will never give him permission to talk anyone...he cried so badly eomma did not how his face turn red due to cried ,his eyes also become swollen " his voice cracked because of seeing his wifey condition.....

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