▪︎■ 43 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

As soon as she left me, I missed her by my side. What kind of spell did she put on me?

Since she opened up to me I felt this bond between us and the love making only intensified and strengthened the feeling. The moment was perfection and I held her because I tried to stretch it forever, to not let her go and return back to reality. Because reality wasn't quite romantic.

After everything that had happened between us I got to know her. Really got to know her. Her deepest secrets and depths of her soul. And still- nothing about how I felt about her had changed, except the insatiable anger and bloodthirst I felt towards Emilio since she told me a part of what she had to endure because of him. And I was aware that her words could never fully express what horrible things she must had seen and experienced. It was just the tip of the iceberg and I couldn't afford to imagine what exactly he did. It would be my last straw, surely.

Although I hated to, I got out of bed to seek for my clothes. It was hard to function properly and go on with my day like I hadn't just had the first good sleep since literal years. The only thing making me flap back to reality was the need to prepare for war.

The thought of Ainara getting right into the dangerzone with guns and death around every corner left me feeling extremely worried and uneasy. I didn't know if I was just scared or if it was my gut that told me our plan was extremely risky. Too risky.

My hands ran over my face before I exit the little room and decide to freshen up before killing anyone.

"Nara?" I asked while knocking on the door, immediately thinking of the last time I was doing the exact same.

The lock opened and not three heartbeats later she was fully in my sight, standing in front of the mirror, a lipstick in her hand while applying it onto her plump lips. A goddess.
Even if I'd never seen her dressed like this, I loved it on her. She could wear a thrash bag and she would still be the most beautiful women in the room. Instead of her usual business attire she was wearing a simple black, tight sweater and matching black pants. My eyes travelled up her body to her face.

When she turned her head in my direction, she grinned and raised an eyebrow. "You need something, Bianchi?" She teased, noticing me shamelessly checking her out.

"You, always," I answered slyly while stepping into the cabin behind her, hovering over her. Due to my height, I could easily look over her head into the mirror.

I sneaked my hand around her shoulders and placed it unter her chin to finally loosely wrap my fingers around her exposed throat. Immediately her body reacted to me, throwing her head back to kiss me and make more room for my hand. I grinned, bending down to let our lips collide. I felt her hand join mine, resting on top of it, and her smile against my lips.

I wanted to savor the moment, forget my foreboding because it was fine- everything was fine right now.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to inform you that we'll be landing in ten minutes. Please bring your seats into an upright position and buckle up," we heard the pilot say while we were sitting inside our seats in the middle of discussing how all this would continue- would end.

Ainara quickly turned her head around, to the front of the plane, where the words echoed through the speakers. She fiddled with her finders on her lap and I didn't have to see her face to know she was frowning.

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