chapter 26

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we entered the haunted house and quickly found an old broken door we had to go through. to be honest it was pretty scary so I grabbed rins hand.

We were now in front of some random grave when a lot of fog appeared and a huge corpse jumped out of the grave, which made me scream and grab Rins arm.
"That wasn't even that scary" he said and continued to walk through the next door.
"It was" i muttered but when I looked through the new room i couldn't find bachira and isagi anymore.
"Omg bachira and isagi are gone" i said but Rin just shrugged his shoulder.

"What if this zombie ate them" i asked worried but i just got a confused stare from rin. "I don't think so. Let's go" he said and it looked like he even enjoyed that bachira and isagi were gone.

The room was completely dark and I heard only a few little sounds from the old floor we were walking over.

We booth stopped when the part ended in front of us. "uh where should we go now?" I asked confused. "this way" said Rin who followed some random parts till we stopped again because of a coffin in front of us.

"Ah that was definitely the wrong way" but i couldn't say more because the coffin opened and showed another room.
"We need to go through this" Rin said and pulled me behind him before i screamed again because I stepped into something sticky "RIN AHHH GET THIS AWAY FROM ME" i screamed and didn't even looked under me.
"It's just some green slime you stepped into" he chuckled and i stopped screaming and looked just with disgust on the green slimy thing under my shoes.

we walked on and when he was walking up a flight of stairs a lot of little things fell on my head and I realized they were spiders. Well only plastic spiders but at first I really thought they were real.

"SISHUSGS RIN GET THIS UGLY DISGUSTING THINGS AWAY FROM MY HEAD" i screamed again and Shaked my head which made all the spiders sling against Rin.

"Y/n... They are just plastic spiders" he sighed and looked like he had lost all his faith in me.

"Well they looked real" i muttered and finally went into the last room and could already see the word exit on the last door.
"Pfff finally the last room" i muttered and pulled Rin now behind me while I was nearly already running towards the door but tripped over some stones and fell on something surprisingly soft.

But when I opened my eyes i quickly met with two other eyes. Well two other dead eyes. I was laying on some zombie thing again and I felt a lot of this slime on me again.

"AHHHH RIN" i screamed again and quickly tried to stood up but was nearly falling again over the same stone.
(This is based on a true story 😕)
To my luck i fell on something soft again and this time i didn't fell on a zombie but Rin who was now also laying on the floor with me on top of him.

I rubbed my head a little "y/n can you stand up" he awkwardly said and looked into an other direction. "uh yeah sorry" i coughed and quickly stood up.

Finally arrived at the door he was just pushing the door handle down when I heard a loud "boo" behind me.

"Bachira! Isagi! Thank good you two didn't got eaten by a zombie" i yelled and tackled booth of them on the ground.

"Eh? we just went a little bit in front of you and we're waiting here!" Explained isagi.
Out of this haunted house we all made now our way to the waterslide and were talking about how isagi and I were the one who were the most scared.

"She screamed every second and even pulled me with her on the ground"

"Isagi was screaming at the spiders so loud i think I'm deaf"

"Y/n even got scared of this fake zombie"

"Isagi was nearly crying as he stepped into some slime"

"Y/n thought the zombie ate you two"

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