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  Eight young Korean boys recently went to a mental asylum. It wasn't unexpected considering their past symptoms of insanity, but the outcome of them were. Meanwhile 6 of them were free and out of the mental asylum, only 2 were left.

"Hyunjin and Seungmin, how do you feel?" Dr. Moar asked. Seungmin ignored his gaze and simply just stared into the ground, while Hyunjin looked at him with a dark look that would've made anyone think Hyunjin wanted to kill them and far more. They didn't utter a single word. The dead silence was awkward, Dr. Moar had to say, but it was explainable. Considering how they both were the only ones left.

Dr. Moar looked at the ground and then looked at them again and opened his mouth to say "you miss them don't you?" They both nodded. They then held hands and just looked at each other, like they were only communicating with their eyes. Then they shortly looked away from each other, Seungmin started to speak for Hyunjin. "We sure do miss them, it's quite lonely without them. But they're all free, have their own life.." he stopped speaking.

"So, do you want to explain their stories, how they got here and got out?" Dr. Moar asked. Hyunjin looked up and said "I'll do it," Dr. Moar gave them both a smile and sat down.

"So let's hear it."

6 little kids (The 2 of us aren't the kids right?)Where stories live. Discover now