Chapter 14

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Even though she hasn't said it out loud, Harper knows that she is going to say yes. There is a cure right in front of her, and, as far as she knows, it is being offered up with no strings. To die and leave her friends and family devastated just because the treatment is going to be a little bit uncomfortable is just stupid.

Okay, maybe more than a little bit awkward but if it means that she'll survive this infection, then there is really no other choice.. But there is still one issue holding up the process, and that is making sure that all parties involved consent to this.

Twisting around, Harper moves until her head is hanging off the side of the sofa, forcing her brother-in-law to meet her gaze. "Alistar, I appreciate your offer, but you know you don't have to do this."

"I beg to differ," he says with a small snort.

An ugly feeling curls in her stomach. Just because Alistar is a demon doesn't mean he shouldn't get a say in what happens with his body. "Look, I appreciate your offer, but if you don't want to do this, please let me know. I'm not expecting anything from you.."

"You may not be, Lady Harper," Alistar says softly as one of his hands comes up to push a strand of hair behind her ear.. "But I assure you that if my brother learned that I did not do everything in my power to save you, there is no place on Earth or in Hell that I could hide from him."

Unexplainably, the heat returns to her cheeks."I'm sure Aeron would understand. He's your brother."

"And you are his betrothed."

Harper feels her heart start to race, and the paranoid part of her brain forces her to glance at her arm to make sure that the bite hadn't spread and it was just old fashioned embarrassment.

"Umm, I haven't actually agreed to anything yet."

Alistar waves his hand in a dismissive way. "It doesn't matter. For some reason he clearly intends for you to remain by his side, and that means it is my duty to protect you since you are now 'family,'" he says with a pause, implying that he wasn't thrilled at the idea of the two of them being family. "So I ask that you make a decision soon so that I may either save your life or try to find a place to hide from my brother.


"Harper! Harper!" Lily comes bolting down the stairs, her phone bobbing up and down alarmingly as the ghost starts to flicker in and out. "Aeron still won't pick up my calls, and I guess Kye is a good plane passenger and actually puts his phone in airplane mode. So rude of him. I mean, we are in a crisis right now. So I didn't get in touch with them, but the cute guy yesterday left me his phone number in case of emergencies. And if this doesn't count as an emergency, then what does? So I have that guy on the phone," Lily says, panting by the time she is done. The ghost gently tosses the phone at the sofa before fading away completely. "I think I've hit my energy limit. Sorry Harper. I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't become all decomposy while I'm gone, okay?"

"Trying not to, Lily," Harper says with a sigh before bringing the phone to her ear. "Misha?"

"Minstrel! Why is Lily claiming that you got bit by a zombie?!"

Harper winces at the hint of panic filling the dragon's voice; she knows that no part of this conversation will make it any better. "...Because I got bit by a zombie."

"Goddammit!" The sound of a car door slamming shut echoes through the phone's speaker. " I knew I should have gone to your house instead of listening to those demon assholes when they said they had it handled. Where the hell did this guy who is after you even find a zombie to attack you? Who comes up with such a stupid plan anyways?"

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