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It was so bright then it turned dark. She blanks the dust out of her eyes not knowing where she is she winced at the pain in her head as she sits up hand coming back wet she looks around it seems she was in a half-collapsed building of some kind. She got up on wobbly legs trying to find a way out and finds a small opening and wiggled through it wincing as the sharp edges scratched at her soft shell once out she looked around seeing nothing but a wasteland of destruction as far as can be seen. Wincing and taking note of all her injuries noticing that she'll need to find medical supplies and knowing that it will be hard to find any in all of this. She takes her damaged clothes to wrap what needs it looking around to make sure the cost is clear hiding as much as possible as she tries to remember anything of what happened to her. But everything hurts especially her head making it hard to think she looks at the sky noticing it's going to get dark soon. How long have I been walking? I need to find shelter and fast. She thinks before finding a small hole that thankfully doesn't have any sharp edges to dig into her shell this time she climbs through laying on the hard ground exhausted curling into herself and passing out

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