𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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Narrator's POV

Juyeon mentally prepared her speech before realizing that it was kinda useless cause she was going to lose all her senses in front of them, anyways.

Finally arriving at her locker, she gently pushed them aside, uttering a "Sorry," under her breath, to access her locker. They stepped aside a bit but continued looking at her.

The seven boys had been forced to wait there by Riki and Sunoo, the two boys who had spoken to the girl. All the heartbreakers had seen Juyeon for a few seconds but only the ones who had heard her voice had found themselves completely and utterly enchanted by her existence. Because of that, the two members of the group had basically forced the five others to follow them to the girl's locker so that they could get enchanted by her voice as well. Little did they know that making her speak was harder than they could ever imagine.

When Juyeon was finally finished gathering her books for first period, she turned around to find the boys still waiting beside her. Getting shy from the stares, she slightly blushed and looked away, starting to walk away from the group.

"Juyeon! Wait!" The girl stopped at the voice, turning around to look at the boy who had waited for her after class the day before. "Y-yes?" She stuttered, mentally cursing at herself for the lack of confidence in her voice.

"Wanna eat with us at lunch?" He asked, the other members of the group smiling widely and smiling. All except one.

He was known as the cold one. All his facial features looked like they were carved into stone, they were so sharp. Usually, his hair was slicked back, but that day, he had let it fall down his face, making him look like a god.

His name was Park Jongseong, or Jay. He was famous throughout the whole school for his dating history: it being inexistant. Though he was handsome, genuine, flirty and charismatic, he had never dated anyone in the school, and most of the girls saw it as a challenge. Because of this, he got asked out almost every day, and yet he always refused. He was known for rejecting girls in the rudest ways possible, sometimes even going as far as to publicly humiliate them.

He was, indeed, a part of the heartbreakers. The only difference between him and the others was that the others toyed with hearts on purpose and he did it unwillingly. He didn't chose the amount of girls he had to reject every week, whereas the six other guys could easily chose. And they did, they chose them, but they chose too many. They dated girls for a few days and then dumped them.

Looking at the seven boys, Juyeon easily noticed the cold glare Jay was giving her, as it was contrasting with the welcoming smiles that the others boys were giving her. She wondered what she could have possible done to deserve this look.

Jongseong's POV

So it's THAT girl.

The girl that Riki has been raving about since yesterday.

I know what's gonna happen. Riki's going to use his charms on her, she's gonna fall in love, blah blah blah, and then he'll dump her in a few days, maximum weeks. And then she'll cry, and she'll start rumours about us. Maybe she'll fall in love with me too, and I'll have to reject ANOTHER one. I'm so fucking sick snd tired of rejecting girls. No matter who comes to me, I won't like them.

I like guys. And I can't tell anyone, because I don't know who I might lose. I already know my parents won't accept me, and I don't know which ones of my friends will accept me.

This girl looks nice and all, but every time another girl comes into the picture, I know it's bad news. And this time, Riki looks serious about her. I've never heard him talk so much about a girl, seen him daydream so much. But I know it won't last. He's a heartbreaker, after all.

Narrator's POV

"I don't know... I have plans..." Juyeon answered to his lunch invitation.

"You're lying," he stated, "I saw you go eat in the bathrooms yesterday. Do you hate us that much?" He pouted.

Juyeon shook her head aggressively and frowned, showing that she didn't hate them.

"Then there should be no problem. See you there!" Riki smiled at her, waved, and walked away, followed by his friend group. Jay spared one last cold glance at the girl before following his friends, leaving Juyeon perplexed.

Words: 770

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