Lover's revenge

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The morning sunshine poured threw her window as Caitlin stretched her arms. Caitlin's mom walked threw the doorway

"chip chop Caitlin we have some friends coming over.".Caitlin crossed her arms against her chest and rolled her eyes,

"mom it's just chop chop". Her mom ignored her as she scrambled out of the doorway. Caitlin threw on some jeans and put a light blue shirt on that matched her baby soft blue,

eyes and her crazy curly light brown her that all her friends admired. And soon heard a ding dong at the doorway.

She heard her mother say her name and she started walking down the stairs her mom opened the door and a tall women walked through the door with light blond hair that hanged straight down her neck. But someone was behind her. Caitlin squinted, a boy walked in the doorway. He had emerald green eyes that where staring at her like she was a prize that he was sure that he was going to win. His brown hair was brushed out of his eyes With a simple flick of his head. And she started to make out a blond streak in the middle of his head. I broad smile creeped on his lips like she was something to be devoured. It made her feel nervous. He was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

She became his girlfriend and her friends where sickly full of jealousy, and she loved it. They looked at her like they would give up anything to be her, she took advantage of these.

She stopped playing attention to her friends and just spent time with Mike, Mike, Mike and Mike. She even forgot about her best friend Jonathan, he had been her best friend for well her whole life and he had secretly had a crush on her and, well he was beyond sad and betrayed. Caitlin was not in love with Mike. Just in love with the idea of love, and in love with the idea of attention.

They moved in together shortly after high school. But Mike wasn't what she expected, instead of being treated like a wife she was treated like a house keeper that he was tired of. He made her work at his restaurant and she waited for her prince to sweep her from her feet and take her too his castle. But this was reality and things like that, well just do not happen. And if they do there's trouble that will come with it.

Caitlin looks down at her red hands she has been working for hours and she was beyond tired. The sweep she has been working against the floor looked tired its self. She leaned against the counter to catch her breath. The bells from the restaurant jingled. A handsome face Caitlin recognized looked at her Jonathan she whispered . She ran toward him and threw her hands around him. He recognized her instantly. "Caitlin", he said to himself as he baried his face in her shoulder. He loved her with all his heart, he pressed her hands to his heart, "come with me", he said as he tugged her shoulder sleeve gently. She let him carrie her out of the restaurant. She blocked out the screaming of Mike's voice as she let tears roll down her cheeks as she held on to Jonathan's hard chest. Right now they where each others treasures. They drove off in Jonathan's truck to start a new life, a fresh start to happiness they both dreamed of.

5 years later

Caitlin walked into her New York home with a enormous smile on her face. "hey Jonathan I'm home from the club but I missed you it wasn't the same without you, and izabella said hi".

But instead of seeing jonthon siting on the couch watching TV and smiling at her like she was his dream come true she heard someone begging "please leave me alone" it was unmistakably Jonathan's voice.

And then she heard a familiar but crazed voice say "not another word from you Shoemaker". Which was her husband's last name.

Caitlin quickly started to back away

"Who is that" she cried out.

Mike came out of the door way with a gun hanging in the front of his pants

"long time no see love". Where are my children, Caitlin cried out.

"Don't worry there safe inside there beds, or are they".

He flashed a smile to Caitlin that she instanly suspects. His eyes where flaming with something she didn't really recognize.

A pure look of insanity and madness that's was so deep that she couldn't help but yelp. She new if she wanted to save herself or more importantly her love Jonathan she had to act fast.

Caitlin looked at her phone she knew that was out of the question, Mike was faster and stronger than her. Sweat trilled down her forehead as Mike strolled toward her he gently stroked her cheek and planted a light kiss on her forehead, she backed away

"d-don't touch me", now she was shaking uncontrollably with pure fear.

And she slapped him against his face.

"Now that was a bad idea darling" he put his hand on his gun and brought its metal handle to her neck as he spun her around so that she was directly against his chest she sniffed his breath a strong smell of alcohol filled her nostrils.

"Leave her alone please, I'll do anything".

Something sparkles in Jonathan's eyes when he said that, she couldn't but take a deep breath.

His masculure hands which Caitlin secretly admired slipped threw the rope mike had tied, and he grabbed a gun he had in a draw.

Caitlin acted fast and kicked Mike in the balls.

Mike threw a few curse words and he grabbed Caitlin by the neck and slammed her against the wall, she felt her body slump against the wall helplessly. He smiled at her as he clicked off safety on his gun, Caitlin shut her eyes. But instead of finding a bullet smack in the middle of her face she felt herself crumbling to the ground. She opened her eyes there stood Jonathan smirking and holding a gun that just killed the nightmare of there lives. She got up and well, basically threw her self on Jonathan as he gently took her off the ground and held her against his cheast. And then he kissed her gently on the lips. Then he took the iPhone from Caitlin back pocket and dialed 991. He spoke quickly and urgently to the police. When he was done the bolth looked at the lifeless body beneath them he quickly grabbed Caitlin's hand and he held it against his heart.

Caitlin felt a tear roll down her cheek, and they soon heard the sirens in the distance.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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