1.1 T - Whitty

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It was cold, she was tired. They were both tired. But when he looked at her she knew. She knew what he wanted and she knew he would get it. She liked that look, it meant she was his, just like she wanted.

He softly laid his hand on her jaw, cupping her face and lightly stroking her cheek with his thumb. Still holding the eye contact she thought to herself 'How can he be so humorous and easy-going elsewhere, but so assertive when it is just us? He always seems so relaxed and cool. I wish I was more like him and that he would not have this effect on me, make me so nervous'. His eyes wanders quickly across her face and then back to her eyes. "What are you thinking abt?" he says and smirks almost unnoticeably. It is like he knows exactly what she is thinking. Which is not strange considering just how effected she is by his charms. "Ehmm...nothing" she replies, almost as a question. "Then what is with the eyes? And the little fold between your eyebrows? It is all very telling you know." he says and this time he is not even trying to hide his smirk. "Oh stop looking so smug." she replies, trying to emit as much confidence as possible. He laughs, takes a step back and lookes her up and down. In that moment all her newfounded confidence evaporates. She can't feel the cold anymore, flustered from the situation. 'Ugh how does he do that?' she thinks to herself. He steps back into her proximity and lays his hands on her arms. Slowly sliding them downwards and lightly holding her wrists. He notices the goosebumps on her arm and asks "Wanna warm up?" hinting at the bed. She'd like nothing more than to lay down with him but the goosebumps aren't because of the cold. 'Maybe he doesn't know?' she thinks to herself. But then you can never know when it comes to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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