Accidents Happen

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"Phil!" Dan yelled from the kitchen. "Hurry up and get in here! We promised our fans there would be a new video up tomorrow!"

The two had promised there would be a new cooking video up in time for Delia Smith's 74th birthday, which was tomorrow. They had meant to record it a couple of days ago and give themselves plenty of editing time, but their lazy habits pushed it off till the last second. Now, they were in a hurry.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Phil screamed, running out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. His fringe laid perfectly across his face. You could tell he spent a lot of time on perfecting it. Phil stopped in front of Dan, a serious look on his face.

"Are you ready to make the best strawberry cupcakes in the world?" Dan smiled and walked to the camera.

"Let's do this." He jumped out of the view of the camera, as Phil hit the record button and began the intro.

"Grab a cake, blow up some balloons, and light some candles, because today we are celebrating the birthday of no other than..."

"DELIA SMITH!!!" Dan sang as he jumped next to Phil.

"That's right. The Jesus of baking has turned 74, and what better way to celebrate than to make some of her very own strawberry cupcakes!"

Dan and Phil continued with the video. Phil would make some punny jokes, and Dan would cringe at them. They quickly made the batter, cooked it, and iced them. All was going well, until Dan started cutting the strawberries.

"Since these cupcakes are for a god," Dan started, "they need to like one. And to do that, we're adding fresh strawberries on top of each on of them." He grabbed the berries and placed them on the cutting board. Dan then picked up the knife and began to slice them. Only after successfully slicing one strawberry, did Dan cut himself.

"AW FUCK!!" Dan yelled. As soon as he heard his friend in pain, Phil rushed to his aid. Phil could see the red liquid oozing out of Dan's right pointer finger. Phil began freaking out at the sight of blood. He looked even more concerned than Dan himself. Dan noticed the worry on Phil's face.

"I'm okay Phil, I overreacted a bit. It's just a little cut."

"What do you mean its just a little cut!? You're bleeding!" Dan tried to convince Phil that he was okay, but he wouldn't listen. The older boy grabbed a dishtowel and started wiping the blood. Dan was surprised by how concerned Phil was. No one was ever this kind and caring towards him. Phil then walked Dan to the sink, where he gently rinsed his injured finger under the facuet. The water stung a little, but Phil's reassuring touch made him feel better. Once finished, Dan looked into Phil's eyes and couldn't help smiling.

"Wow Phil, I never knew how how caring you were." Phil's cheeks tuned almost as bright as the strawberries that were still lying on the cutting board.

"I just don't like seeing you hurt. You're my best friend and you mean everything to me." Phil immediately realized what he had just said and how weird it probably sounded. He looked away, embarrassed.

Dan was shocked at what his best friend had just said. Not because he thought it was weird, but because of the fact that that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him. He grabbed Phil's cheek and turned his head so that they faced each other.

"And you mean everything to me." Now the boy's faces were just an inch or two apart. The only sounds were those of their beating hearts and heavy breathing. They stood there, staring into each others eyes. Dan never realized how beautiful the other boy's eyes were. They were big and blue, the most beautiful ones he's ever seen.

Dan's hand still sat on Phil's face. His warmth felt nice to Phil, and gave him comfort.The two had been standing there for what seemed like eternity, just enjoying the other's pressance. Dan couldn't take the silence anymore, so he did something that he knew was risky. He closed the space between them, with a kiss. And to Dan's surprise, Phil kissed back.

The kiss was something both boys had been dying to do, but none had had the courage to do so. Now, they were having the best kiss both of them have ever experienced. It was a long and meaningful one. Just like one you'd see in the movies. Their eyes were closed, arms embracing each other. They became lost in the kiss and forgot about everything else around them. Even the fact that the camera was still rolling. But they could just edit this out later. After the passionate kiss, the two leaned there heads against the other. Both trying to catch their breath. Once they had evened out their breathing, they lifted up their heads, returning to each others gaze. Phil stroked Dan's cheek. He had the greatest friend that anyone could ever imagine. But now, Phil knew they were more than friends. They had always been more than friends, and today was the day that they both accepted it. A grin crept across Phil's face.

"How did someone like me end up here, with someone as beautiful as you?" Phil questioned. A grin spread on Dan's face.

"How did you end up with me? The real question is how I ended up with someone as amazing as you." The younger boy leaned back towards Phil and gave him another kiss. And as they kissed, Dan thought to himself how happy he was. He had never been this happy before. Sure, he had had multiple kisses with different people and sure they were alright. But none of them combined could ever make him feel more in love than he did right now. Dan knew he had found the person he would spend the rest of his life with. And just this though made his heart soar. And all it was all thanks to Delia Smith.

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