boyfriend (S.C)

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Tw:smut,cheating,semi public sex?,sub!reader dom!sam,degradation,fingering(R receiving S receiving),oral sex(S receiving),cheating,r1ch13,pet names

Dannys girlfriend is coming over here very soon,it was the girl in the apartment next door,rumors spreaded about her ever since the richie kirsch and amber freeman thing in woodsboro

I never really LIKED the stab franchise it just has really crazy fans who would REALLY wanna hurt you if you even hurt their view of this movie "yo y/n" "yeah? "Wanna- eh never mind" "mkay" the doorbell rang in the house the sound ringing in the hallway

"Hi! You must be sam? I questioned excitement seeping through the question "yes you are y/n? I nod frantically she chuckled before danny came "babe" danny spoke biting his lip a little,i saw sam cringing at the action but i leave it be

"Introduce yourselfs im gonna do something" "alright" i grabbed sams hand dragging her to the living room "geez slow down" she smiled "whats your full name? "Samantha Carpenter yours? "Y/n l/n! "Occupation? "Part time musician full time technician" you said excited "when did you and danny meet? "Couple months back he was the first guy to introduce me to the apartments actually" "cool cool..." "howd you? "In the womb" you both joked

"No but were not twins" you assured "i know" "favourite movies? "I dont usually watch movies" "what?! Why? "Because of the whole you know incident,you looked at her confusion appearing in your eyes "never mind yours? "Uhm the babysitter babysitter 2 killer queen and uhm bones and all" "cool! Sam smiled

Danny came in scooting you over to get closer with sam "i need to use the restroom be right back
N/n and danny" you both waved her off as danny picked a movie for you all to watch

Once she came back she sat right next to you,you both giggled all the way to the next film

She wrapped her arms around you a blanket covering both of you keeping both of you warm

Danny kept trying to get closer to sam but she just kept getting closer and closer...and closer to you

Your skin touched and electricity flew through your body her hand on your thigh,the movie ended soon enough "lets go to sleep guys" danny said "yeah" i say standing up sam grabbing my wrist following me

"My rooms here sa-" "im fine i can sleep in y/ns" she said looking at you

She opened your room amazed by the decoration "wow i like the aesthetics" "thanks! You said chuckling

"You look really pretty tonight y/n" "thanks! A pink blush formed on the cheeks of your face "you know...the walls here arent very thin" "whats that supposed to mean? You smiled "you know what that means dont pretend" she smiled pushing a strand of hair of your face

You straddled her lap kissing her a relieved sigh left both of your mouths,sam swiped her tongue on your bottom lip asking for access you granted it quickly

She explored your mouth like a deep ocean,she trailed her hands to your pants quickly helping you slip out of them

"Look at you all needy for me arent you? "Yes all for you" you smiled "im gonna fuck you so hard dannies gon cry tonight" she smiled at you

She leaves love bites on your neck leaving no spot left unmarked

"Sam what about dan-" "fuck him" she spat,she didnt struggle  getting you out of your own clothes,she unhooked your bra quickly

You helped sam get out of her shirt,you kissed her neck,her fingers roaming on your back

You kissed down to her stomach carefully removing the barrier

Her panties slick,her arousal dripping to her thighs,you moaned into her,you removed her panties,you licked a long stripe on her core.sam groaned

You teased her entrance with your tongue,moving it side to side "dont tease me now y/n you know better then this" sam warned

You stuck a digit inside her,inching closer and closer to her sweet spot

You stuck another digit in a knuckle deep,you latched your mouth on her sensitive bud,you swirled your tongue around it

Sam let out breathy moans,she tangled her fingers in your hair,she whispered praises just for you

You hit that one sweet spot in her,she let out a loud groan "just like that princess" she moaned out

Your fingers curled as sams hands tugged on your hair pulling you even closer,her arousal completely immersing you,you moaned at her scent the vibrations made her grunt

You head squeezed by her thighs, her moans getting louder,her hand tugging at you

With a loud moan she came,she stared at you as you lapped up everything she released "oh baby"

You lifted yourself spreading your legs on sams lap,now increasingly difficult to ignore the wetness dripping down to your thighs "jesus christ your wet" sam grunted removing your panties

Her fingers pressing against your wet heat,your core visibly throbbed on her fingers

She shoved them unexpectedly,you gasped in pain and pleasure

She went fast,hard,rough,and deep

You rode her fingers,moaning in her neck ,you clenched around her "sam.." you moaned quietly "louder slut" "SAM! you moaned

You trembled under her touch,your thighs shook,you came on her fingers "suck" sam said raising her fingers,you sucked as sam groaned at the sensation

"Sa-sam? Danny said "oh shit" you curse immediately getting off of her covering you both with the blanket your room provided

"Danny shit-" "WITH MY FUCKING SISTER?! "Look im so sorry-" "fuck you! Get out!

A/n:uhm yeah

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