dare 27

142 3 2

Me: Alright guys, watch this. *shows them the gameplay* 

After six hours of watching 

Optimus: It was definetly full of action. I feel sorry for Josh but he shouldn't take revenge, it will not bring back those we have lost. 

Ratchet: It was... terrible. All those injuries and just everything was terrible. 

Bumblebee: *crying because watching in scared him* 

Arcee: It was... scary...

Bulkhead: It was scary and unexpected, it scared poor Bee. 

Ultra Magnus: They were very brave. 

Wheeljack: I liked the expolosions, but some scenes were too scary even for me. 

Smokescreen: *comforting Bumblebee*

Raf: *crying because he was scared just like Bumblebee* 

Miko: *comforting Raf*

Jack: I'm not going to say anything *clearly scared* 

Fowler: *Still in shock* 

June: It was so terrible. 

Me: Well there you have it, hope you enjoyed. 

This dare took me months to write because I never played the game and I didn't have the motivation to watch the video, so to prevent this from happening again I ask that you don't give me dares like this again. I don't mind watching a movie or short scenes but nothing as long as this. I hope you understand. 

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