Chapter 8

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As the door opened, I quickly gasped as I watched Leon enter the room, crossing his arms as I gave him a confused smile.

Then followed a moment of quietness that neither he nor I could fill, as the tension could probably be cut with a blade.

I looked away for a second while I saw his gaze, which was bewildered as ever.

Time for my secret card!

"S-sorry, I suddenly felt like throwing up and uh... I needed to get some fresh air..." I started to justify as he frowned.

To pretend as if nothing happened.

"You could've just opened the window instead of going to my room... Less effort." He quickly replied as I threw an anguished gaze at him, already knowing that I had failed my persuasion attempt just by the way he was scrutinizing me.

"Do I smell bad?" He asked, almost innocently, as he sniffed his T-shirt, which immediately made me shake my hands in refusal.

"Of course not, your scent is really nice!!" I quickly responded to him as he stopped his comedy, a slight smirk beginning to materialize on his lips.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." He simply nodded as I stared at him, bewildered.

Is he teasing me?

"To be honest I was scared of being a smelly, old, and ugly monster for a second." He added as he nodded once more, while I sighed in defeat.

"Of course not, you're very handsome!!" I answered one last time as I pouted when I saw his victorious, almost too confident look.

He's just fucking around!

"Well, look at that." He remarked as shame quickly took possession of my body.

I planted myself in front of him, giving him a rebellious look as he raised an eyebrow.

What did I expect, anyway?

"W-well, uh...I believe it is time for me to get going. Have a good evening, Leon." I implied as his smile vanished quickly, taking my chance to start leaving his room, only one idea in mind: bag, suitcase, and run.

"So this is it." Were the only words I could hear as I scanned the living room to find my vest.

I turned to him, slightly confused.

"What?" I asked him as he leaned on the frame of his door with his right arm.

I gulped, quickly covering my mouth with my right hand.

Shit, he's too handsome!!

"Can't you even tell me what happened five minutes ago?" He asked as I frowned, giving up on the jacket searching session as I gazed at him from afar.

Uh oh.

He sighed as he let his head fall. 

"Damn." He added, the tone of his voice going in the wrong, shady side as my eyes widened.

If I leave now...


I can't do that!!

I raised my head towards him, slightly scratching my neck as I tried to look for a quick response.

"I don't know... I panicked." I softly replied as I met his gaze, which shone in a strange gleam as I felt that it was now or never.

"What were you even panicking for?" He questioned as I felt my heart tighten.

I feel like my insides are turning in and out in a freaking loop!!

Escaping from terror - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now