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Austin woke up to his hair being stroked by someone. It was gentle,soothing and he felt like he could stay like that forever.

"Good morning".He opened his eyes and he was greeted by the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on.

Austin smiled ear to ear.

Clara asked , "Why are you smiling early in the morning ? ".

"You are really beautiful.God,I'm so in love with you. Be it the younger you or the you of today. You are the best thing that happened to me,Clara". He muttered ,making her flustered and giggly.

Clara hissed, "Stop being so cheesy in the morning". Austin just laughed and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Austin and Clara have known eachother for nearly 9 years, both grew up together as friends. As time passed by they caught feelings for eachother. They know that no one can understand them like they understand eachother. Soon they confessed their feelings and started dating for 3 years and married for nearly 2 years. Their 2nd marriage anniversary is coming in few months.

"Do you have any work today?", Clara asked pleasingly. Austin chuckled, "What do you wanna do?" asked her. "It's really been long time since we spent time for eachother because of our work, family events. I missed how we used to spend beautiful days together, so how about doing it today?". Austin pulled her closer to him, hugging her tight, "So true,thank you for reminding me. I have work but I will skip it for you, for us okay?". Clara felt very happy and excited that she almost jumped in her husband's arms "yes,yes,yes..", she said excitedly.

"Ready for the day?"

"More than ever"

Both got up from their bed their freshened up to start their day. They are now outside of their house. Clara,"let's not use our car today. Let's spend like how we used to when we were still dating?". Astin replied happily "Okay".

Thay are still thinking about where to have their breakfast. Austin, "I know a place, let's go!". They got into a taxi and reached their destination.

"Are you sure about this place?",Clara asked.

"Don't worry,I know what you are thinking. As I got bonus and raise in my salary. Its okay, let's go in". She just nodded her head.

Clara was thinking,"This place looks expensive, it's surely a place for people with money. Even their menus were unimaginable price and surely double the price of regular cafes."

Yes,they have reached a cafe.

But nothing beats the interior of the cafe. Its like a mini garden, decorated with beautiful flowers, ornamental plants. The tables used were of fine wood material and the smell, it's very relaxing. The smell of the coffee mixed with flower scent, it's really comfortable.
The jazz music is playing on.

Austin and Clara, both ordered their breakfast. In a few minutes the food arrived. The food was surely tasty. Both were having, waffles, garlic bread and avocado toast for breakfast. They were talking about their busy social life. Laughing and giggling with their jokes, without attracting people's attention.

After having a delightful breakfast,they both headed to park for a walk. The sky is blue. Birds are chirping. Kids are playing. Elderly people are sitting on benches, watching kids. The air is refreshing. They can hear river water flowing calmly.

Austin and Clara, both took a walk for a while. Now sat on a bench to rest and just to enjoy the view. Both are so glad that they took leave from work and came outside.

As they both live in the city. They both have their respective jobs,family time,family events. For past fews weeks they didn't have time for themselves. But now, they have whole day to enjoy before going back to their busy social lives.

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