Beauty in the sky of diamonds

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Ever since she was little, Lola Loud had always dreamed of flying. Being high up, above the clouds and looking down on the Earth. In fact, the reigning pageant champion of Royal Woods City was making her dream a reality right now. As she glided through the air, twisting this way and that to control her direction she thought about life before she got her amazing gown. Lola was wearing a strapless pink ball gown with matching gloves and her signature tiara. The skirt of her gown was stretched out like a dome and the skirt was what was allowing her to fly. When Lola touched the gown when it was like this, it was tautly stretched as if someone or something was pulling it tight. The skirt itself formed a bell shape, pushed out by the air forming under her. It felt like her gown had turned into a balloon and she was floating with it.

 It felt like her gown had turned into a balloon and she was floating with it

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This is the life, Lola thought as she glided through the clouds. Just me, my gown and the white puffy clouds as far as the eye can see. Lola Loud, you deserve this. Lola let her legs helplessly dangle as she floated. She sighed in relief as she glided across the clouds, clearly enjoying herself up there. Just then a beeping sound snapped her out of her thoughts. "Now what?" Lola groaned. She glanced down at her watch-like duel disk and tapped it. "WHAT!?" She snapped into it. Instantly a hologram of a young boy who kind of looked like a Dalmatian appeared. The boy was wearing a crimson vest with a red frock coat and bow tie.

 The boy was wearing a crimson vest with a red frock coat and bow tie

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"Lola! Hi!" The boy said cheerfully. "Now if I know you, and I do, you're probably floating over the city rooftops." "How do you know that?" Lola asked, surprised. No matter how far she was from home, it was like Marshall Jason Onodera knew where she was no matter what. "I've got eyes everywhere." Marshall reminded her. "Really?"Lola asked."Ha! Not really. You should see your face." Marshall chuckled. "J.A.R.V.I.S. located you before I called. Now listen. I need your help. A bit of trouble in Royal Woods but I'm okay. Now here's what I need you to do. Pay attention because I can't repeat this. Would help if you had a pen and paper. Oh right. No pockets. Unlike Lana. I had a look at her gown. She has 3 pockets in hers! 3! Ok, I can see you're not amused. So I'll get to the point. I need you to get the crystal heart for me. It's important that you get it for me! I can't say why I need though. You'd just call me crazy!" "No, I wouldn't." Lola said. Lola had always respected her best friend's opinions, no matter how crazy they were. Marshall smiled. "I thought I'd count on you, Lola. Now I have asked your old friend Jesse Anderson to help us out. Remember him?" Lola laughed. "Like I could forget him!" Jesse Anderson was a duelist Lola admired. She met him on a mission and they had become good friends. Marshall grinned. "Excellent! Now Jesse will meet you at The coordinates I sent you. Meet him there and he can explain the sitch to you. Remember Lola, find the crystal heart. The fate of Earth is on your shoulders. Good luck. I'm counting on you!"

The hologram disappeared, leaving Lola alone. Lola sighed. So much for my day off, she thought to herself. As she floated along, she thought about Marshall's orders. He sounded pretty serious about it. If Royal Woods City is trouble, she thought, then Marshall must really be in trouble! Lola looked at down the view. She could see the buildings of the Fusion Dimension down below. I wonder how Linky's doing at Duel Academy. She thought smiling. She knew that her brother was across the ocean at the famous school right now. She never was one to think about Duel Academy (Goodness knows how many application forms she turned down from them!) But she had learned a thing or two from Jesse who was a student there. She looked at her duel disk and saw that Marshall had sent her Jesse's coordinates. He appeared to be at the docks, near the port that the ship that took students to Duel Academy departed from. Looks like I'm heading to the bay, Lola thought as she twisted her hips in the direction of the harbour. Her gown floated her over the city rooftops towards where she was going. Lola sighed in relief as she glided through the streets.

A few minutes later she arrived at the docks. she looked at her reflection in the water. Hello beautiful, She thought to herself, smiling to herself. Even while floating, she was still GORGEOUS! She had to admit she had a bit of an ego problem but she was getting better at keeping it in check. The view of the water was a pretty sight. And the sea breeze was so refreshing. Then she found her person or informant if you wanted to get technical about it. There on a nearby pier was Jesse. He still looked the same as she remembered him.

 He still looked the same as she remembered him

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Lola was happy to see Jesse. That was one part done. She floated around the harbour gleefully. That's one part down, Lola thought to herself. Now, how do I get down from here? She knew that Marshall was counting on her. And she couldn't let him down. The fun was over. It was time to get to work again. Lola wondered what the crystal heart was and what Jesse knew about it. She was excited about this new mission. Now if she could find a way to land...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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