What felt like forever: Part 1

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I'm in the middle of no where, at god knows what time of night, I'm cold.. and I'm scared. Why did this have to happen to me? I swear every time something goes wrong, I'm involved and personally, I'm getting over it. My phone died more or less an hour ago, it was roughly 11pm, and I was supposed to be at my friend Clara's house like two hours ago, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon.. I probably won't get there until it's day time with the way I'm going. I suppose I should explain how all happened.. I got home after school at approximately 3:30pm, as soon as I walk through the door, and my little brother Max decided to throw his metal toy cars at my head. I walked up to my room and slammed the door, put my phone in the speaker set I have, mainly because it charger faster than my wall charger, then started blasting Hollywood Undead - Bullet. As if my brother throwing cars at me didn't piss me off enough, now my big sister Skarlett had to come in.

"Skyler! turn your crappy music off! No one in this house wants to hear how depressed you're pretending to be, how about you go jump." Skarlett said, slamming my door as hard as she could on her way out. I turned the music down, but it wasn't going off. Then what do I hear from her room? 'BABY BABY BABY OHHHHH' of course she decided to turn Justin Bieber's crap on. So I do the same thing she did, except I don't yell, scream, or threaten her.

"What do you think you're doing Skyler?" she asked as impolitely as possible as she see's me picking up her stereo and walking to the window. "Just throwing out the trash" then I threw her stereo out the window. She wouldn't destroy my speaker set, because she knows that I would burn all of her stupid clothes.

Anyway, after dinner mum and dad decided to have a screaming match, Skarlett decided to 'borrow' my speakers, and Max was still throwing his cars at me, then out of no where Skarlett just starts punching and kicking me, also pulling my hair, so I grabbed some scissors and pulled her hair, then cut most of it off. I was sick of how this family treated me, I packed a bag full of clothes, chargers, perfumes, my laptop, my phone. All the things I thought I might need. I sat at a park, asking if I could stay at anyone's house for a couple nights, and my friend Clara replied and she said her mum had allowed me to stay for a week if I needed, and I did.. I started walking because no one could give me a lift. I was walking for what appeared to be hours.. but I couldn't tell you. It was 9:35pm when I left my house, it is now 10:58pm..

A car pulled over and asked if I wanted a lift, I said yes because of how sore my legs were, walking for long periods of time, when you're a smoker is not a very good idea, it gets very tiring after a while. After about 10 minutes of a very awkward silence, the lady who had picked me up began to ask me some questions.. "So, what's your name?" "Skyler, what about you?" "I'm Amanda, how old are you?" "Uh, I'm 17. you?" "25, how come you were out this late?" "Oh my sister was being a bitch and my parents were fighting, so I asked a friend if I could stay over and her mum said I could I stay a week if I needed, so I'm going over her house." I was starting to get a little curious as to why she was asking so many questions, but I guess it was expected considering she found me just walking along the road in the middle of the night, I would ask questions. She stayed quiet for about 5 more minutes, then started asking personal questions.

She slowed the car to about 85km, but I couldn't really see the speedo. "Are you in a relationship or anything?" She asked with a slight smirk on her face. "Ahh, nah I'm not" "Ohh okay, fair enough then. When's your birthday?" She had slowed to about 60kms by this point, and I was getting worried because we had been driving for just about half an hour, and we were no closer to Clara's than when she picked me up, infact we were further. "March." I replied with as little detail as possible. "Oh okay" she said. Still at 60km, I asked where we were and she said "Almost there". "No, don't talk crap, where are we?" I demanded. "I go a different way than most people." She replied with no care. After she answered my question I automatically regretted getting in the car with her. I started packing up my bag properly, I put my jumper on, un-clipped my seat belt, and opened the door... Everything that happened after that was pretty fast, and I can't recall much because I hit my head really hard. I got up and looked myself over to make sure nothing was broken or dislocated, didn't seem like anything was, but it felt like it. I needed to tell someone what had just happened, but I was in the middle of no where, with no other cars in sight. I decided to continue walking, and see how far I could get without collapsing in the process.

I walked for what felt like another hour, and then sat down at the closest park I could find. I tried to find a power point so I could charge my phone, but I couldn't see one. I went into the bathrooms that were at the park, and there was a power point in there, I plugged my phone in, locked the door, climbed out under the bottom and went and played on the playground whilst my phone charged. After about half an hour of mucking around on the playground, I slid under the bathroom door, and checked my phone. Yes! It was on 79%, and the time was 2:55am, 4 hours I had been gone, I wonder if my family is worried about me? Do they even care? Oh well... I have more important things to worry about. Clara had just become active on facebook, and it was 3am.

'Hey! Are you still coming? I thought you were gonna be here at like 10?' Clara typed. I replied with 'Hey, I'm actually lost.. I started walking because I couldn't get a lift, and then this random chick picked me up, and I ended up having to jump out of the crazy bitches car, so I'm just sitting at a park, pretty sore.. Just resting then I'm gonna start walking again. " I hadn't even checked the gps yet. I went to the gps, typed Clara's address in again and when I seen how far it was, I was actually surprised. 14 minute walk! I quickly jumped on facebook, and went into Clara's messages. 'Hey! I just checked my gps and I'm only 14 minutes away from you!' I typed, with excitement. 'Ohh You're at Johnstone park, Love how messenger lets you see where people are.. :P I'll come get you.' I sat down, and waited for clara, I hadn't felt so relieved all night...

I have the second part written up but I'm adding more to it, it's a little short, so I figured I might as well make it longer. :P I'll also be adding more parts, but this is only supposed to be a 2 part story. It will probably end up being about a 6-7, maybe longer, depends how I feel I guess. Hope you guys enjoy, like & comment and tell me what you think. :) -Jazmine! :D

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