Chapter 12

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I used my magic to jump the three of us to the light realms border. Jumping seemed to be the only useful thing I could do with my magic lately. I immediately spotted the dark figure waiting at the borders edge. As I closed the distance between us, I peered up at the border. My heart sank at the sight of the even more evident cracks forming in the border. Huge golden streaks span across the border. The great border that had held since the beginning of all fae now crumbling because of a weak monarch. Because of me. The sight alone filled me with so much anxiety but it made me even more determined to make these meetings go to plan. I stopped in front of the border. Azra stood in an all black suit, hands tucked into his pockets, perfect picture of cool demeanour. He looked me head to toe and smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Shall we?" He gestures behind him.
"These meetings will happen in the light realm" I replied.

Azra paused. Looking to the realm beyond me, weighing up his options I'll bet. Probably concerned I was going to trap him like he did me.

"Very well." He stepped towards the border. Waiting for my help to assist him through.

I reached my hand through the border. The magic of the border singing to the same magic within me, calling me to heal it, rebuild it. Azra placed his hand in mine, I froze when his thumb brushed the back of my hand. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through my body setting my soul alight. Azra frowned at our linked hands, one blink and his face returned to neutral so quick that I questioned whether I had seen that frown at all. I rolled my eyes again and tugged him through the border so fast a curl of his hair fell lose. I dropped his hand, wiping my palm on my jacket.

Azra straightened his shirt. "I didn't know you was bringing company." He looked over my shoulder to my guards.

"You never asked." I replied. I turned towards Ivan and Andrias.

"Where are we going?" He asked from behind.

I felt cool air brush past me. I looked up to see Ivan stood face to face with Azra. He was almost as tall as Him and to my surprise he didn't balk at the dark power radiating from him.

"If you even think about trying anything, I will kill you." Ivan's strong voice reminded me of my fathers. I couldn't help but smirk when Azra's face resembled something like shock and awe.

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you could stop me if I did?" Oh he just had to go there didn't he.

Ivan remained a stone wall between him and me.

"I would die trying." "Yeah and so would I" Andrias stepped forward pointing a dagger at Azra so causally. I tried to hold back a smile as they were both being deadly serious.

Azra smiled but not his usual mocking smirk, a genuine soft smile that led to a small laugh.

"I respect that" Azra stepped around Ivan. "despite what you think of me, Im glad she has such loyal guards protecting her." He swiped invisible dust off his shirt. "Shall we?" Azra began walking towards me when Andrias stepped between us, still pointing his dagger at him. Andrias smiled widely at him as he waited for Ivan to step around him. Of course my guards would not allow Azra to walk with me. They were here to protect me not him. We began walking to the place I had picked to be our meeting place. A secluded building on the outskirts of the city. The perfect place to hide secret meetings with the dark prince and to hide the fact I require his help to control this magic. I peered up at Ivan walking besides me. His face as stern as ever softened when he caught my eye. I smiled again focusing on the walk ahead. Ignoring the dark force trailing behind us.

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