Chapter 13

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After a short walk, we approached a flight of concrete stairs leading up to a run down white building. Paint peeled off large pillars now covered in vines of green. The floors now covered in dust and shrivelled fallen brown leaves from many seasons past.

"What is this place?" Azra said behind us as we entered the building.

"An old training facility" I replied.

"Shame it's been abandoned." He said looking around the old grand room of high ceilings and now empty walls. I silently agreed. It was a real shame this place was no longer in use and I planned to change that if I ever get a minute to make decisions as queen.

Ivan and Andrias settled by the doorway. Alert with their hands positioned on the hilts of their swords.

"Well...let's get this over with then." I whirled to Azra. Keen to learn whatever he could teach me.

"Learning magic of this magnitude takes time...." he said.

"Well time is something I don't have" I cut him off. "So teach me what you know."

"It takes time to learn Aurora."

"Im a fast learner." I retorted.

Azra took a deep breath. "Show me what you know."

I waisted no time. I called the magic to the surface. A ball of blinding white light formed between two hands. I was careful to only call a little at a time as any more cause me to lose control.

"Is that it?" He asked. I unfocused and the ball of light vanished into nothing.

"What do you mean is that it? I can't control this magic. That's why you're here. So teach me." I stated.

Azra frowned. "You can't call more magic or you won't?"

I frowned back. "I can...but I cant stop it that's why I cant."

"So you wont."

Irritated, my magic began stirring inside me. I glanced to Ivan and Andrias and pushed the magic down.

"If I did. All three of you would be dead and while I don't really give a fuck about you I'm not about to kill my two favourite guards."

Azra remained silent. I couldn't pin point the expression that briefly crossed his face. Confusion? Surprise?...Hurt?

Azra turned away and began walking around me, deep in thought. I stood still like prey awaiting the death blow from a predator.

"Magic is rooted to emotions. You have to master your emotions to truly master your power." He said still circling me.

"Is that why you can control yours so well? Because you have none."

Azra ignored me "you can't use anymore than what you've displayed because you're afraid"

I crossed my arms "well when you care about those around you that tends to happen."

"And you're angry." He added.

I huffed. Angry was an understatement but I wasn't about to agree.

"And you're grieving."

I stopped breathing. Azra stopped in front of me. I stared beyond him. Maybe this was a terrible idea. Coming here and letting him try and teach me.

"I don't need you to tell me what I'm feeling." I stared up at him.

"You do when you're ignoring those feelings and bottling everything up. Its no wonder your magic is out of control."

"So why don't you teach me how to be an emotionless asshole like you then."

Somewhere off to the side I heard Andrias snort.

Azra backed a few steps away from me.

"How was your brothers funeral?" His question knocked the air from me.

I stepped back in shock.
"What?" The word escaped me like a pathetic whisper.

"I heard they gave him a great send off. One fit for a king." He continued. Asshole. I knew he was trying to make me lose control to prove a point and it was working.

"Shut up." My cheeks heated. The magic in me roared to life.

"Shame really. He trained all his life and never got to experience that magic for himself."

"I said shut up!" I clenched my fists. My ears began ringing and my skin started glowing.

"What do you think he would say looking at you now? Do you think he'd be proud? Or would he think his little sister makes a pathetic queen-"

Out of anger, I stepped towards him and raised an arm. In that moment I didn't care whether I was controlling the magic or not I just wanted to hurt him the way he was hurting me. Light blasted from my palm and Azra flung up a wall of dark magic in defence. The sight of him unharmed sent my blood boiling. My magic rallied, building inside me, I raised my other hand, calling even more magic I sent another blast of light towards him. Again it was met with a solid wall of dark power. I was prepared to cool my magic but one stupid smirk across his face infuriated me to the point I no longer saw the danger in my actions. I raised both hands calling on my magic, letting the magic I had pushed down for so long come to the surface. With one deep inhale I released the magic sending it straight for Azra. The last blast of power destroyed his wall of protection like it was nothing. Azra raised his arms covering his face, bracing for impact. The magic sent him hurling back. He curled over in pain and I fell to floor. I curled over too, the pain overwhelming. It felt like I had been hit a thousands times over. This was the heartbond. I was feeling his pain. I heard the faint footsteps and clinging metal of my guards armour growing closer to me. "Fuck" I whispered before the world went dark.

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