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My name is Jenna and I'm a pervert. Well, not really, at least not

purposefully. I place all the blame on my stepbrother, Harrison, for leaving

his bedroom door ajar whilst he was changing. I mean, he knows I'm in the

house and that there's a chance I might be upstairs. And I guess I should

put some of it down to fate or karma or whatever, forsending me walking

passed at just the right moment to see his amazing naked body full frontal.

That chest.

Those abs.

Gloriously smooth tan skin and the little happy trail leading down from

his navel to areas I've tried never to think about before. I mean, we have a

pool in our back yard so it's not like I've never seen him in swimwear, but

baggy board shorts still cover a lot.

Maybe I shouldn't have been looking into his room as I passed. I guess

I'm guilty of that. He deserves his privacy, I suppose. But if he valued it

that much he wouldn't have been toweling himself dry where anyone could

walk passed and see his cock in all it's glory, would he? And glorious it

was too.I'm no virgin but I've never seen a dick like that before. Even hanging

like it was it looked like it had a life of its own. Long and straight and thick

as my forearm. Perfectly smooth and tan like the skin on the rest of his

body. And everything so neatly trimmed too.

Fuck, I'm salivating just thinking about it and my poor neglected fuffie is

all hot and bothered. It's been a few couple of months since I decided that

my ex, Bradley, wasn't doing anything for me that I couldn't do for myself.

All that boring talk about football killed any feelings I had for him. On our

last date I got close to stuffing my ears with chunks of bread roll to block

out his drone.

But Harrison's not like that. We've only been living in the same house

for a year, since our parents finally decided that their three years of dating

was indeed true love and tied the knot. It was strange at first to be waking

up in the same household as such a gorgeous slice of manhood, but I was

with Bradley at the time so I tried not to feel attracted to my new

stepbrother. The trouble is, in addition to being a total hottie, Harrison is also really funny, and interesting, and caring, and now that I'm single I can

admit to having a total crush on him.

Does it count as a crush when you think about someone all the time and

wish like hell they weren't related to you by marriage? Does it count as a crush when your heart hurts a little bit each time you see them with another

girl, even when they aren't dating?

I think it might be more than a crush.

And now I've seen him naked it's even worse. I just can't get that image

MY STEP BROTHER Where stories live. Discover now