Enemies, test grades

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Prapai slammed his book shut and jumped up as soon as his chemistry teacher left the classroom.

"You cheated!" He shouted, turning around and glaring, full force, at the person two desks away from him.

Sky jumped up as well, and, returning the glare, said:

"I did not. It's you who's simply incapable of getting a better grade than me."

"Excuse me, WHAT?!?" Prapai yelled, advancing on Sky in a menacing matter. "You are a lying piece of cheating scum, you know that?!"

The rest of the class backed away, clearly not wanting to be in the middle of this.

Nobody remembered when it started, but everyone knew that Sky and Prapai had been enemies for very long, and hated each other beyond anything else. Fights between the two, especially on the matter of grades, had now become common. Even though, everyone kept silent, wanting to see how this would end.

"Am not." Sky retorted, keeping his stance and not backing away. "You are. I didn't cheat. I got top of the grade fair and square, and you'll have to deal with it. When will you finally get in that small stupid head of yours that I'm better than you?" Sky smirked, and just like that, it was the last straw for Prapai.

He didn't care how this would end, he really didn't care. All he cared, and mind you, it was a very sensitive matter for him, was that he got a lower grade, and that was not supposed to happen.

Pai raised his fist in the air, and with one, flashing blow, aimed it at Sky's head.

Sky tilted his head at just the last second, feeling the swoosh of air right beside his ear.

Stumbling back, wide-eyed, Sky looked at Prapai in shock, but the next second his glance turned angry. He straightened up, and was about to lunge at Pai, but someone caught his shoulders, making him unable to achieve his goal. Sky snapped his head back, already angry enough at Pai and not ready to deal with with someone interfering.

Seeing that it was Jade, third place for top of the grade, also, a softie, and one to always follow rules, Sky scoffed, and shrugged him off.

At the same time, Prapai made a second attempt at a punch. Missing Sky again, his punch landed Jade square in the forehead, and with the combined power of Sky's shrug, and Pai's punch, Jade flew back, landing with a thump against a desk, his head hitting the wood hard.

The silence that came next was momentary. The whole class hushed as they saw that Jade had been knocked out cold.

Dread didn't even have time to fill the pair because a second later, and to their most unfortunate luck, the teacher walked back into the room.

They all watched, barely breathing, as the teacher's eyes traveled first to Prapai, fist still raised in the air, at Sky, who looked guilty and angry, and then at Jade, looking very much unconscious, and at last at the circle of other students around them.

His eyes filled with fury as he made five large strides toward the pair. Sky ducked, as if moving out of the way of a danger, but no blow came. Instead, the teacher turned and silently examined Jade, and the silence, in everyone's opinion, was way worse than if he would have yelled.

"Principal. Now." He spoke the words with such furious coldness, that Pai couldn't help but shiver.

What was going to happen now?


Yea, the chapter is short, but it's there.

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