Prologue - [22rd of March Wednesday 2023] 9:45pm

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P.O.V Kasara
9.45 am was the time her life might have turned upside down. Her mother left yesterday morning to fly to France for work, which would only mean one thing: she was stuck with her dad and his newly found lover, Linda jones. You wouldn't think someone could hate another person so much, but this was very different. Linda changed everything when she was around, but she changed my father the most. It started three months ago when mum had just left. Dad sent everyone home for the night and wanted to have a talk with me. Let's just say the talk ended with bruises and after that she walked in and i knew she bitch when I saw her. Those weeks when my mums were not home, I avoided everyone as much as possible and if I wasn't at home locked in my bedroom I was at my best friend's house. Let me just say she was a lifesaver and is always there for me. We started working together at her parents' bar for some extra cash when we finished school. It's not the , but it pays some decent money. Although I still get some money from my mum, I like the feeling of satisfaction when that payslip comes through and to see i have done something that will benefit me. I know my mum wants me to go work with her to but I wouldn't be able to stand working away from home so much. I want to be able to have a family of my own and start my own business in the food industry, but that is for later in life because I want to focus on what's going on right now before anything else.

P.O.V Levi
It was a rainy night and I was watching my younger siblings with my sister Autumn while our parents were out for dinner, while Autumn was watching the two younger ones I on my phone texting Liam my close friend also known as my sister's boyfriend, it's good that she found someone that will treat her right, while I was texting Liam Autumn's phone goes off in the other room, so she gets up to go grab it so she left me to watch the younger ones. The next night My sister was working at our mothers bar so I was at my place as the Mafia boss. I went to do my things but I never knew I would meet someone that will change my life.

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