𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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Juyeon's POV

What do they want from me? Riki obviously wants me to eat with them, I think Sunoo wants it as well, and I think Sunghoon too... but Jay seems to hate me. What did I do?

All these questions keep bouncing back and fourth in my head.

As I walk to my first class, I see Sunoo sitting in the front of the class, chatting with some girls and boys, having a blast. Without any hesitation, I walk to the back of the class and lay out my books on my desk. The back of the class was always the place that I belonged in. The place where nobody can see me but I can see everyone. That way, I don't bother anyone, and I can still keep up with the lessons. I sigh, getting ready for the class.

As I think about this, I feel a presence to my right. I turn around only to see Sunoo taking a seat beside me. I look at him shocked, as he waves at me and smiles, setting his books on his desk.

Narrator's POV

That sigh. Riki had told Sunoo about it many times before, but the latter had just laughed it off, saying he was crazy to think about someone's breath for so long. But now, he understood. That little sound contained more emotions than a soap opera. More sadness than any of Taylor Swift's break up songs, more drama than any teen movie, more love than any kdrama. That sigh was heavier than a ton of bricks.

Sunoo looked at her, only too see her confusion. He smiled and waved at her, making his eyes become cute little crescents, and hoped she wasn't mad at him for sitting beside her. After all, he hadn't failed to notice that for the past years, every single class, she sat alone at the back of the room. He didn't want to invade her personal space, but his desire to get closer to her was too grand that he had no choice to but to take a seat in the very back where it was hard to hear and see.

Just as the lesson was about to start, the door slammed open, revealing a sweating, out of breath boy. His hair was slightly wet, strands sticking to his forehead and to his neck, making him seem even more handsome than he already was.

It was Nishimura Riki.

As the bell had not rung yet, he wasn't given a late slip, so he bowed in thankfulness. Looking around the classroom, he spotted many empty seats, including one beside Miju. She tapped the seat, anxious for him to sit beside her. He interiorly cringed, looking for another seat, when he saw an empty seat in the back, where it was hard to hear and see. He was about to give in and sit beside Miju until he saw the person occupying the seat in the back.

Walking confidently to the back, he took a seat to her left, failing to notice the other boy sitting to her right. When he finally noticed, he was shocked, looking at Sunoo as if he had punched him in the stomach.

Riki knew that sitting beside that girl wasn't a horrible offense. He also knew that it was unreasonable of him to get angry because of that action. And yet, he still got angry. He got angry because his friend KNEW how interested he was in that girl, and yet every time he turned his back, Sunoo was right beside her. Sitting beside her in class. Calling her on the phone.

Okay, maybe it was only two times. But still. He was mad.

Shifting in his seat, he sent a glare to his friend, who returned the glare right away. They both understood what the other was trying to tell them. Or so they thought.

Sunoo thought that Riki had given him a cold stare because he had stolen his eraser before class. He was actually mad because he was sitting next to the girl.

Riki thought that Sunoo had glared back at him because he wanted the girl just as much as he did. He had actually returned the stare because he thought it was socially appropriate to glare back at someone who had glared at you.

In between both guys who were staring at each other with angry eyes, Juyeon fidgeted with her fingers, not having a single clue about what was going on.

Words: 749

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