Happy Lowman/reader (Sons of Anarchy)

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Well he finally did it  he broke what was left of me, Happy said he wouldn't do it again and Look where we're at?

Standing in front of me is a very pregnant Croweater saying her baby belongs to my old man.

Who am I to believe, the whore or the man who has stepped out on me more times than I can count and My dumbass keeps taking him back.

He's swearing it ain't his and She's already got the paperwork for a DNA test so I'm thinking Happy Lowman is a lying bastard and A very shortly to be divorced lying bastard too because I'm done fighting for him.

"Now (RN) you know I wouldn't do that to you, I haven't cheated since the last time it happened" Happy said not making eye contact.

"How dare you stand there and Lie to me when she's even willing to get a DNA test to prove it's yours and Your lying ass can't even look me in the eyes" I said through gritted teeth while glaring at the asshole.

"Little girl you need to remember who you're talking to, I won't deal with your attitude" Happy said glaring back while taking a step closer to me.

"Or you'll what Happy, hit me, I'd like to see you try, I'd beat your ass stupid" I said to Happy with a smirk. "Don't forget you were the one who trained me, have to know how to protect myself if I'm going to be the big bad enforcers wife right" I kinda chuckled out with a smirk on my face.

I could tell by the look on Happys face he new he had finally messed up for his final time with me and He knew it was over between us but it didn't mean he wasn't going to fight because he still believed the baby wasn't his.

He still hasn't seen the bigger picture here I guess, HE CHEATED ON ME, I don't care if she's pregnant or not he still slept with her when he swore to me he would never cheat again and He did.

Her being pregnant with his baby actually didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, I never wanted kids with Happy because he isn't and Never will be stable enough for a child, it's just not in his genes to be a father but I still loved the man despite all his faults but not anymore.

Nope not anymore, I'm done with Happy Lowman.

"Why don't we go back to my dorm and We can talk alone baby without everyone hearing our business" Happy said trying to herd me towards the dorm hallway but I slapped his arm away from me and Turned towards his brothers.

"If you boys don't want to see me beat the shit out of your brother then please feel free to leave the premises until further notice those who do prefer do watch the festivities will notify you when it's safe to return" I said with a smirk towards his brothers.

Not a one of them got up to move, they just smirked back and Ordered another round.

"Let the ass whipping begin" Clay said laughing.

"Now Happy I'm going to ask again did you sleep with her and Don't lie to me because I already know the truth, it's staring at me right in the face in the form of a pregnant whore" I calmly said to the dickhead.

"Yes ok Yes I cheated on you but we had that fight and My head just wasn't screwed on right at the moment when I saw her and I just wanted something different something I could fuck and Leave and Forget about, I'm sorry baby please forgive me" Happy said to me pleadingly but I could see in his eyes that he didn't mean any of it and He'll just continue to hurt me over and over again.

"She can have you Happy Lowman, I no longer want you" I said to Happy. "I'll be packing my bags and Leaving Charming, when I get to where I'm going I'll be starting on the divorce papers and You better sign them" I said to Happy while glaring at him.

"It was great knowing you boys but sometimes all good things must come to a end" I said with a soft smile to his brothers, it's not their faults their brother is a lying cheating asshole and I understand them not telling me is their loyalty to their brother, Club comes first.

Clay stood up and Told me I'll always have a home with them and They all gave me hugs goodbye while Happy was trying to talk to me and Get me to sit down and Finally discuss all our problems but I'm done letting him talk his way out of his bullshit so I'm ignoring him just like he ignored me all those nights I wanted to talk.

I looked around one last time, flipped Happy the bird, Turned around and Walked out never looking back.

5 Years Later


It's been 5 years since I left Happy Lowman and I've never been happier.

I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks after I left, I was shocked and Scared for a little while but I got over it when I heard their sweet little heart beat.

Do I feel guilty because I never told Happy he was a father? NO because as I said before he just doesn't have the parent gene and He would have told me to get rid of it anyway, that's just the type of man he is.

I have a beautiful daughter and She's the perfect blend of the both of us, what just because I said he would be a bad father doesn't mean he don't make beautiful babies.

I mean one day he'll probably find out he has a daughter but I doubt he'd care, plus he already has a son, according to what Clay and Gemma said the DNA test said the whores baby was his and He still hasn't paid a dime or any attention to the child and That was 5 years ago so he can just stay away from my daughter because I don't want the first man to break her heart to be her father.

Yes I still keep in contact with Clay, Gemma, Jax, Tig, Juice and Chibs, they always treated me like family and I love them the more for it and They know about my little girl and Still haven't told Happy so I love them for their loyalty too.

My life is beautiful now and I have everything I'll ever need with my little girl right by my side.


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