8. come Wei Ying

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Lan Zhan woke up in the early morning as always, turning his head to the side, he saw Wei Ying sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the sight, getting up as quietly as he could to not wake the younger . He put on his more formal clothes, making sure to be quiet in the process and exited his room. He walked to the library and grabbed a book, sitting down in his usual seat and began reading. He had turned a page to read the next when he sensed someone at the door, he looked up and saw that it was his brother." Hello xiongzhang". He said as he stood up and slightly bowed to his brother." Hello Wangji, excuse me for disturbing your daily reading time, but could we perhaps talk?". Asked the older brother, wich in return Lan Zhan nodded his head yes to answer.

They both sat down, Lan Zhan in his seat and Xichen infront of him." I would like to talk about Wei Ying". He started off, wich made the younger brother raise his eyebrow." I am a little... Concerned about his physical health". He said." Why is that?". He asked worried, je was a very observent person and although he did notice that something was wrong, je was nog one to pry a d so he had not bothered Wei Ying by asking him questions." Well, I've noticed that be is quite tired, when i see him at least. And he may be wounded, although he hasn't told you anything about such matters, am i right". He asked after explaining his concerns for the young Wei.

When Lan Zhan thought about it more, it did make sense why his older brother was feeling concerned over this, and he had also began to get worried for Wei Ying, as the youth had shown signes of fatigue." What do you suggest we do Wangji? After all you know him best". He said, looking at his brother." Take Wei Ying to healer". He answered. The older jade nodded his head in approval as he got up, Lan Zhan doing the same and following him to the door, where he bowed as they said there goodbyes, Lan Zhan walking back inside and Lan Xichen walking off to somewhere like his office. Lan Zhan was reading his book, everything was peaceful and quiet just like he likes it is when he felt strange. He didn't know how to explain the feeling but he felt as thou something was wrong, he felt this weird feeling in his stomach that spread out in his entire body.

Something was wrong, he got up and the first thought that he had was Wei Ying, so he immediately went to his room as fast as he could and opened the door. He saw Wei Ying, he was fully under the covers, seemingly asleep, Lan Zhan was about to check up on him when he heard the younger groan. Lan Zhan sat in his bed, wondering what was wrong." Wei Ying?". He asked, not wanting to scare the younger incase he was still asleep." Lan Zhan". He asked from under the covers." What's wrong?". He asked in a soft tone." My head hurts Hanguang Jun ". He said, wich calmed him a little as he thought that there was something bad that happened to Wei Ying and silly at himself for acting like he did as visibly nothing was as horrible as he thought it was.

But he was still worried for the younger, having headaches was never fun after all." Will take Wei Ying to healer". Je said to Wei Ying, who groaned in return. Lan Zhan got up, waiting for Wei Ying to get up." You can eat after, i can give you spicy food". He said trying to convince the younger to get up as he remembered that Wei Ying hated going to healers. At the mention of spicy, he popped his head out from under the covers." Can we go to Caiyi city?". He asked, hopeful to go to one of his favorite places. Lan Zhan nodded his head, wich in return Wei Ying got up from the bed and walked to the door where Lan Zhan was standing.

They got out of the room, walking towards the healers when Wei Ying stopped walking." Lan Zhan, it hurts to walk". He said as je pouted, wich made Lan Zhan smile at his cuteness, but quickly made the decision that he will carry him to the healer, so he walked up to Wei Ying and picked him up on his back." Lan Zhan it's embarrassing for a man to be carried this way". He said as he pouted like a baby, at wich Lan Zhan couldn't stop his heart beating at how cute he was." It is not". He replied as he continued walking to the healer.


Heyyyy, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are comfortable 🫣🌝🫣

Don't forget to vote🫶 have a nice day/night💕

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