Treat Safety

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There are some simple treats that your horses can eat that are safe and healthy, but there are also some treats that are toxic and will end up with an expencive vet bill or worse, so it is good to know what  goodies your horse can and can't have.

 Foods that are TOXIC and NOT SAFE for horses:

 - Tobacco (duh)






 -Clippings leftover from a Lawn mower (most likely contains toxic plants)


 -Chocolate, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Persimmon, Sassafras, Soda, Willow leaves (can result in positive drug test at shows)

 Foods that are SAFE and NONTOXIC for horses: 



 -Fruit Popsicles (never tried it, but according to the book, Horse Crazy it's safe)

 -Peppermints/Candy canes 

 -Apples/Carrots (Duh)

 Giving Treats SAFELY:

 Hold small treats like a peppermint, apple, or baby carrots in the palm of your hand, fingers flat, and arm out-stretchedyou don't want your horse to mistake your fingers for carrots! Also, discourage begging and never reward bad behavior, if your horse is nudging and pushing at your pocket for treats, step out of reach and ignore him for a few seconds, it may seem cute at first when he does it, but soon he will start biting and nudging your pocket all the time.

 (Sources: The book 'Horse Crazy', written by Jessie Haas, and plain experience.)

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