𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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Narrator's POV

The rest of the class went by slowly, veryyyyy slowly, as the tension between Sunoo and Riki was nothing but growing. When it was finally over, Juyeon got up in a hurry and left the classroom without saying goodbye to either one of the boys.

Still in the classroom, they both looked at each other with a cold stare on their faces. They continued staring at each other, tension filling the air, before Sunoo bursted our laughing.

"What?!" Riki practically shouted. "You know I'm interested in her, why are you getting so close to her?!"

Sunoo suddenly got serious, then he giggled. "That's why you looked mad??" he laughed louder. "You're hilarious hyung! I thought you were mad cause I stole your eraser.."

"YOU STOLE MY ERASER????" Riki lunged at him, completely forgetting the real reason why he was mad.


When lunch time finally rolled around, Juyeon had successfully avoided the seven heartbreakers. While she was getting ready to go up onto the roof, she suddenly remembered how Riki had asked her to eat lunch with them. Knowing for a fact that they would know that she ate on the roof, she decided to quickly get her lunch at the canteen and run to the big bathroom stall.

After getting her lunch, some kind of pasta with white sauce (it was probably supposed to be cheese, but it wasn't natural enough to actually be considered cheese), she quickly made her way to the bathroom that was usually empty at lunch time. As she was making her way there, she bumped into a tall shoulder. She bowed, apologized and continued walking, only to be pulled aside by that same person. Looking into their eyes, she recognized the oldest member of the seven-member friend group.

"Where do you think you're going? We invited you to eat. Are you trying to escape?" He chuckled and playfully ruffled her hair.

"Umm, no. I'm just going to the bathroom. You know, period..." she quickly invented an excuse that boys usually don't question further.

Sadly, that didn't work on Heeseung.

"What are you doing with your lunch, then?" he asked, "Let me take it while you do your things, and then we can walk together to join the group." Having no more excuse, Juyeon finally gave up and walked into the bathroom, shoulders down.

After she pretended to be in there for a while, washed her hands and walked out, Heeseung was still standing there, holding her lunch and waiting. For a small second, the girl felt her heart skip a beat, but she took a deep breath and recomposed herself.

"Th-thanks for waiting... I guess..." she barely spoke.

"You guess?" He chucked, "you're welcome, I guess!" He laughed loudly while walking through the halls, Jugdon trudging along.

Words: 463

A/N I'm so sorry for the short chapter, I've been extremely busy, travelling for my birthday, seeing family and friends, finals, etc. I hope you still enjoyed, have a great day <33

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