🌺Pure vanilla x white lily✨

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🤍This wasn't requested I just had an idea for it I promise I'll start working on long awaited request after this!
🤍Type of story: Angst and fluff
🤍Summary: This one shot takes place in the future and pure vanilla managed to turn dark enchantress back to white lily
But lily feels guilty about everything she's done and blames everything on herself, pure vanilla knows what that feels like so he tries to comfort lily by taking her on a nice walk in the garden
🤍I recommend listening to wild flower by Rm or the astronaut by Jin for a better experience 👍

It was a warm spring day,the white clouds turn pink as the sun begins to set.
White lily was in the vanilla castle as pure vanilla wrapped her arm in bandages from the scars she got from the huge battle they had just a few moments ago
After pure vanilla finished wrapping her arm he looked into her eyes as a few tears spilled out
"I'd thought I'd never be able to see you like this again..." he said with a warm smile
"Why would you want to ever see me again?... I'm the reason why you and the others kingdoms nearly got destroyed...I'm the reason why I had to put gingerbrave and his friends in horrible danger im surprised that there even still alive...
So why are you being so sympathetic towards me after all I did?..."

tears started building up in her eyes as she looked away from him
Pure vanilla noticed and grabbed her chin to face him
"Listen... all those horrible things that happened was not your fault it was all dark enchantress you were blinded by darkness and couldn't control yourself. Despite everything she did I knew deep down inside that you would never want to do anything like that. Im helping you as white lily not as dark enchantress alright? You mean the whole world to me I would never want anything to happen to you"
Slight blush appeared on lilys face as vanilla wiped away her tears
"I'm sorry... I tried my best to come to my senses again I really did... I'm sorry I left you behind so suddenly..."
"It's alright lily I'm just glad I have you back" he smiled and her again and pulled her into a tight hug
"Just promise you'll stay by my side forever alright?"
"I promise vanilla"
Lily couldn't control herself anymore and started sobbing into his arms while hugging him tightly
Vanilla didn't say anything and just let her let everything out. He knows what it feels like to blame yourself for everything.
Once lily calmed down a bit vanilla looked her in her eyes again.
"You must still be pretty upset about this... how about we go on a walk together in the garden I remember how happy you were when you were surrounded by nature"
"Yes I would like that thank you" She smiled
"Alright then" he smiled back at her and helped her up off the chair she was sitting on

They went to the garden in the back of the castle with lily keeping her distance from vanilla, she doesn't trust herself to get too close to him
Once they made it lily felt all her negative emotions melt away as she started at the garden in awe
"You... kept planting lilies here after all this time?..."
"Yeah... it's all I could do to make myself feel better that you were... you know...I knew that one day you'll come back one day so I wanted to keep them healthy do you like them?"
"They look lovely... thank you vanilla" she felt her face slightly heat up again as she picked a lily and smiled
Vanilla loved seeing the love of his life be happy for once,he hasn't seen her smile in years but it hasn't changed at all.
He got lost in his thoughts as he daydreamed about him and lily possibly living the rest of their lives together
He always thought about that but never found the courage to actually tell lily how he felt
But right now felt like the perfect time to tell her he might never get this opportunity again so it's now or never right?...
Vanilla sighed nervously as he gently held lilys hands
She was slightly shocked as she looked up at him

"Lily...there's something I've been meaning to tell you something I've been meaning to tell you for awhile but i lost the chance..."
"What is it?"
He took a deep breath before continuing
"You mean so much to me... you were there for me when I was going through so much... honestly I wonder how I would end up if I didn't met you... you gave your everything to me so I think it's finally time for me to give my everything to you. I love you lily,more than anything so... will you let me give you my everything?..."

White lily felt like the whole world stopped for a moment she couldn't believe what her dear friend just said to her
She's been living in darkness for so long, she almost forgot what love felt like
Her face was burning as she softly smiled she was at a lost for words because of vanillas heart felt confession so she just looked at him and nodded
Vanilla returned that soft smile and softly kissed lilys lips
Lily smiled into the kiss, never wanting this moment to end

Its been awhile hasn't it? Im sorry i kept you all waiting for an update I've just really haven't had that much motivation but Im ready to get the ball rolling again and kept writing even though this fandom is slowly dying it still holds a very special place in my heart, its because of cookie run that im not scared to say that im a K-pop fan anymore
Im seems dumb but back in 2020 I was TERRIFIED to tell anyone I liked K-pop because of all the hate it gets
But after the bts update was announced and seeing how nice and inviting everyone seemed I wasn't as scared anymore
Anyways enough of that
How do you all think of my new writing style?
Do you like it :D?
What about the song recommendations does it help set the mood of the story :D?
I really hope it did ^^
Thanks for reading a love you all!🤍

🌹Cookie run Kingdom One-Shots!🌹(slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now