Chapter 1

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"James moriarty took in two orphans?" y/n read in the newspaper she stopped there, reading the sentence again thinking she have something wrong with her eyes "sally can you come here and read this?" sally who is the lady on waiting for the young lady of l/n family y/n l/n.

"uhh my lady it says that the head of moriarty has taken in two orphans" 'so i really have nothing wrong with me' "uhuh thank you sally" y/n smiled at her lady in waiting "your welcome my lady" her lady in waiting replyed while returning the smile "i never thought that the head of moriarty will ever took in orphans with his ego anyways sally what is for lunch today?".

"It's the usual my lady" sally answered.

"MY LADY!" The butler of the family opened the door loudly 'KYAAAA' y/n jolted in silent "SEBASTIEN WHAT??! WHY ARE YOU OPENING THE DOOR LIKE THAT CALM DOWN!!" y/n said "uhh sorry my lady" Sebastian apologized with his head down "forget it sorry i screamed at you, what is it that you want it to say? " y/n sighed as she calmed herself from the heart attack she just got.

"Ah yes my lady, lord moriarty is waiting in the art room and he said he want to meet you" the butler said with his head down "huh? He came without sending a latter?" the h/c girl standing from her chair "lead the way" she said.

"where is my parents?" y/n asked "They are out in some business my lady" the butler answered "we are here my lady" the butler said opning the door y/n went inside as she saw james moriarty sitting looking at the paintings in the room "i never thought you would be interested in paintings my family has" she said "well the strokes are perfect and the painting is beautiful it must be done by a famous artiest am i wrong" james answered as he locked eyes with y/n.

"actually their done by the orphans my family taking care of, you know we take care of their education and the quality of their lives as well as we even have a special doctor for them after they get older they work in our family and they will have their lives taken care of by our house finances" she answered as she took a sip of the tea the maid poured for her whispering her thanks to her, "i knew your family take care of orphans and all but i never would have imagined it will have a painting done by lowly birth hanging at the wall" he said.

"well the little guy gave me the painting after i came to visit them as a thank you gift he said he appreciates everything we do for him and the orphanage so i couldn't say no" she replied smiling 'and he was so cute while trying to give it to me he was embarrassed trying to hide the painting behind his back so cute!!'.

"anyways james moriarty what do you want?" you said as he looked in the face "i want you to become the nanny of the orphans i took" he said so casualty
"huh-as you looked him in the eyes- wait... What??!" you jumped of your seat so fast that the seat just fell down the maid just crouch fixing the chair.

"wait wait wait you want me to be what now? I think i heard you wrong can you repeat what you said again?" "i want you to become the nanny of the two orphans i took i can't think of anyone except you to accept to become their nanny and as far as i knew you, you always loved children especially those lowly birth so i thought you might like to become their nanny" he said.

"also Albert is the one who had chosen them as far as i know you favor Albert my son from the other noble children" he continued smirking 'Albert chose them?' "give me some time to think and i will send you a latter in a week" she answered "thank you then i will take my leave i hope a positive answer from you lady y/n" he said standing up from his chair.

"Sebastian escort him out" the h/c girl said as her butler replied "yes my lady follow me lord moriarty" when they went out of the room y/n let out a tired sighshe didn't know she was holding her breath as she fell into her chair "huuh what shall i do should i take the offer or not?" she let another sigh.

'he said albert chose them maybe i should take it for Albert' she smiled while thinking of Albert 'his a good kid'.

Flash back:
Y/n was at a ball 'ahh how tiring why i always have to come to this places they always have all this kinds of fake people i guess i am one too since i am trying to go with the flow' as people are swarming her since her family has a good back ground and also an ancient family in Brittain.

When she finally went to a balcony so she can breath she heard a voice asking "are you lady y/n l/n? " 'not again i don't want to meet anybody right now i am tired i want to rest...'.

She forced a closed eye smile and turned around "ah yes you need something?" when she opened her eyes she saw a kid? "but excuse me who are you?" she asked "right i didn't introduce myself I'm Albert james moriarty the eldest son of james moriarty sorry for my rudeness earlier but i heard you were a childhood friend of my father".

"yes i was you needed something?" she said "well i heard your family take of orphans and all and i have been thinking of doing the same so do you have any advice i could use? And i want to ask if i can be your friend?" he said as he scratched his neck while looking at her with hopeful eyes Albert held the l/n family in a high regard and saw the young lady of the family as his idol and an example of how he should he live his life.

"well i don't really have any except just treat them nice and see them as human being who's lives matter the same as you witch many nobles sadly fail to do so" she smiled and walked toward the door to leave but stopped "and yes i accept your offer to be my friend" she turned her head gave him a bright a smile before leaving the balcony to leave the ball after she left Albert stood still shocked.

'she just accepted my offer to be her friend... SHE JUST SAID YES!!' Albert just had been happy and smiling all day long that even his brother questioned in his head what made him so happy but he really didn't care enough to ask his brother.

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