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The light peaking through my windows instantly awakes me, I sit upright and stretch my arms out while adjusting to the light and slip out of bed, to brush my teeth and get dressed.

I walk downstairs and head towards the kitchen to already see Dario and mom already sitting there, eating fruits from the plate in the middle of the table. They're eyes lift once they sense my presence and my mom pulls out the seat beside her with a small welcoming smile. "Ariel, come and sit with us."

I make my way over her and sit right beside her while Dario sits directly across from, my eyes flicker to him momentarily and he gives a slight nod. "Good Morning Ariel, you slept well?"

I slept dreaming about you for some odd reason. Is what I wanted to actually say but with a low clear of my throat, I nod. "I slept very well yes thank you Dario."

I called Gianna the moment I slipped in bed, and told her everything including the part where my mom failed to mention he was the most attractive man to ever walk on earth and nothing compared to the boys from back home.

She laughed, of course and wanted some sort of proof but how in the hell was I gonna snap a picture of him? not even a picture can compare how perfect he actually is in person.

"So Ariel what do you wanna do today?" my mom suddenly speaks pulling me out of my thoughts about her fiancé.

"Well, i'm not sure whatever you want to do." my mom laughs softly and hums to herself, thinking of what to do exactly. "You're dad told me not to take you shopping or anywhere near a clothing store, not until you start working of course." I frown and as my eyes land upon Dario, he tilts his head to the side a little while he stares deep into my soul.

"Its f-"

"- Take her amore," both me and moms eyes flicker to Dario, interrupting me with a shrug. "I'm sure he wouldn't mine, plus it'll give you both time to talk." I can't help but grin at him and what I don't expect is for his lips to tug upwards in a sly grin as he raises a hand, grazing the stubble growing around his chin.

"Okay then." she laughs and stands, "Let me just go and change, i'll be right back." she states and I give a quick nod before she's leaving and leaving me alone with Dario.

The room falls dead silence, Dario reaches for a pair of glasses and I shift around in my seat nervously since this is the first time we're alone and I don't know whether to speak first or just wait for my mom to return quietly.

My gaze stares right through him as he raises his glass of water and takes a small sip before settling it back down, and going through a pile of papers, scribbling and writing with a pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.

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