Give In To You

583 24 9

—Contemporary, Adult

When people see Ariel and Lance, it's obvious who wears the pants in the relationship. So when a new coworker of Lance's begins to pursue him in hopes of "saving" him from a tyrannical woman, it's expected for Ariel to step up and stake her claim on her man. But Lance isn't exactly the innocent he seems to be...


The first time Kylie saw them together, she didn't think much of it. After all, she knew Lance was already in a relationship. Not only did he mention his girlfriend often, but even their coworkers brought up the name Ariel quite a few times. It was well known that Lance's girlfriend dropped him off at the hospital and picked him up after his shift. He had a driver's license, so it wasn't as if he couldn't drive himself, but it was just a mutual agreement they had.

Admittedly, Ariel was a beautiful woman, but at the same time, someone who Kylie couldn't see Lance being in a relationship with. As one of the few male nurses throughout the hospital, he captured a lot of attention from the staff. Not just that, but he was kind, gentle, and good at his job. When Kylie imagined his significant other, she pictured someone who would be similar to him: soft, sweet, and deserving to be spoiled by his tender nature.

But Ariel? She was boisterous, flashy, and rough. Yes, there was a mature charisma about her that made her get along with nearly anyone and everyone, but their personalities were total opposites and not complementing of each other. Plus, when Lance was in front of Ariel, he became more quiet, more demure, and not as lively. Their coworkers said it was simply their dynamic—as Ariel seemed the type to wear the pants in the relationship. However, it reminded Kylie of her friends' past relationships, as well as her own. She had an ex who just drained the energy out of her and made her become more reserved and not like herself. Of course, she eventually broke up with him and returned to her usual self, but the experience helped her recognize when people just didn't mesh well.

Still, Lance and Ariel were in a stable relationship. Regardless of how much Kylie may have liked Lance from their first meeting, she knew better than to try and pursue a taken man.

That was, until one particular night.

The hospital was especially crowded that day, and everyone was constantly running around like busy bees. As a new nursing assistant, Kylie felt overwhelmed by her first rough shift. However, Lance never once made her feel uncomfortable, and though he was busy himself as one of the few nurses working that night, he did his best to help her where he could.

It made her fall in love with him all over again.

Together, they pushed through the night and finished their shift a little later than usual, exhausted and drained. As their group of coworkers were on their way to the employee parking lot, they recognized someone inside the building with her arms crossed over her chest. Usually she was sitting in her car while she waited.

Ariel. And she didn't look happy.

Her narrow eyes landed on Lance and a sneer tugged at her lips. "Just look at you. If you'd gone to bed early like I said so, you wouldn't be this tired."

The group tried to explain the situation, but Ariel wasn't having any of it. Her usual casual air was gone, replaced by a stern intensity.

"I appreciate you guys trying to stick up for him, but he's an adult who should know better. In fact, as a nurse, he should know how important it is to keep your body well-rested in case of days such as these."

Lance made no reply, which seemed to tick Ariel off even more. Then, she stormed towards him, took hold of his hand, and dragged him away. He was taller and bigger than her, and yet, at that moment, he looked like a small child silenced by guilt.

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