One Direction One Shots/Imagines ~~Writer:Emily~~

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Hola ^-^ sorry..Hi..How are you guys?I'm Emily..I'm the writer who will be writing these one shots/imagines..tank you for reading if you read..*winks* anyway..Request will NOT be taken at the momento...deepy sorry..but when request ARE OPEN BUT WHICH WHY ARE NOT AT THE MOMENT..i will write a little note..say that they are..or inform you guys some how ^-^..

I will be doing One Direction one shot/imagines..some just Liam..just Zayn..Just Niall,.Just Louis..Just Harry or just even all the boys ^-^..i may do SOME dirty ones(probably not)..hehe^-^ in a giggly mood..thats good right?or just creepy as hell...o.O..hehe^-^

Bye me amigos!!

 ---->love this song..its always on replay..^-^

One Direction One Shots/Imagines ~~Writer:Emily~~Where stories live. Discover now