Chapter - 10

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Nobody's POV:

It was midnight, Seungmin was already in his dreamland. Minho waited for him to fall asleep so he could go out.

"Bring me to the dungeon..." Minho disappeared in thin air and arrived at his destination. There, waited his friend  Bangchan, "so, did you kill him yet?" he said leaning to the wall. Minho couldn't tell Bangchan that he has not killed Seungmin or else he will definitely get mad, "Yes i have hyung. I burned his body, now only left with bones" he lied. "That's great, no one will find out about us, it's good you killed that bitch or else he will tell others" Bangchan spat.

Minho didn't have the urge to kill Seungmin at all, he doesn't know why he feels that way. He just wants to get it over with and make him suffer but he couldn't.

"Have you found any information about him?" Bangchan asked curiously, "No, i haven't. He is on the lose out there, he is very dangerous, more than us.. maybe we should search the drawers to find files to see if we have any luck?" Minho suggested. "Alright i will search the boxes, you search the drawers," Bangchan ordered.

Both vampires began the search and continued to do so for the next few hours. Little did they know.. he was near them...

Seungmin's POV:

I woke up from the sound of thunderstorms, i rubbed my eyes looking around the dark room. I notcied that the windows were open, 'huh? I dont remember the window being open.. it was closed when i went to sleep' i thought. I got up from my bed and walked towards the windows to close them, i took a quick look outside and saw a unfamiliar black car outside the house. Just then, i heard a sudden noise of something breaking. I was terrified, i ran over to the door to lock it so nothing bad happens. I made sure that i actually locked it, then there was someone banging on the door. I took a step backwards being startled by the sudden noise. The banging got louder and louder, i sat down with my legs near to my chest covering my ears shivering badly. "please please please please.." i mumbled to myself continuously, i didn't know what to do during this situation. The lights in the room began to flicker on and off.

I started to sob softly. I heard more things breaking and falling on the floor, the current weather just makes it worse. "M-Minho..hyung...-" i stuttered.

Minho's POV:

"I can't seem to find anything.. i checked every drawer i could find," i sighed. "Same for me, there is only useless information about humans and cases" Bangchan groaned.

Just then, i felt a sudden pain through my head, that only happens when something bad is about to happen or when a human calls my name. There is only one human who knows about me, and that is Seungmin. Seungmin, he is in trouble..

"Uhm hyung, i have to go now i will meet you another time.." i said while messaging my forehead. "Alright? Bye" Bangchan said with confusion on his face.

I immediately teleported outside my house, i was getting wet because of the rain hitting me but i didn't care because i saw a car which is definitely owned by someone i knew. I went into the living room to find broken stuff scattered across the floor, there was loud banging noises. Then i saw him. The person i have been looking for ever since the war between the humans and vampires began.

"Found you.. Jeongin.."

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It's very short, i know, but i finally hit the 10th chapter! ❤❤

the next chapter will be quite interesting 👀 so stay tuned for any updates!!

I wrote this before going to sleep in about 25 minutes, its kinda rushed. But next chap i will take as much time as i like and maybe even write 2000+ words :)


Words: 675

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