Red Right Hand

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"That'll be $23.99 please." said the cashier.
Danny hands over the money. "Thanks"
He walks out of the store into the streets of New York until he gets a call. Unknown Number.
"Hello? Is this Sam? If so I got your chips"
"You tell me." the voice replies.
"Alright cut the act." Danny says as he decides to take the alley shortcut to his apartment.
"What act? Danny.." the voice seemed more sinister now.
Danny stopped and looked around nervously.
"Seriously this isn't funny."
"Oh but it is Danny."
He was now cautiously backing against the brick wall next to some dumpsters.
"Sam is looking awfully.. fetching tonight"
"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!" Danny raged.
"She really shouldn't leave her windows open."
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YO-" Danny stopped. He heard footsteps. Around 5 teens passed by blasting some rap music, probably been drinking.
He let out a sigh of relief.
"Would you like to play a game?" the voice was starting to get louder. Or was that just Danny being paranoid?
"You have 3 tries. I'll give you a practise question. Get it wrong. Sam dies."
Goosebumps began to spread across Danny's neck.
"Who was the killer in Stab?"
"Oh OH I KNOW THIS! It's that Billy Loomis kid." Danny said confidently.
"I'm afraid that just isn't right Danny.."
"It was Billy Loomis and Stu Macher!"
"Shit Shit SHIT!" he was nervous now.
"I'll take care of her. But for now. It's your turn." said the voice jokingly.
"What was the name of the only single ghostface?"
"Wait WAIT I know this. It was Roman Bridger, Sidney Prescott's half brother."
Danny shouted.
"You know your facts don't you? Second question."
Danny was carefully shaking.
"Who was the bitch crushed by the garage door in Stab?"
"Sam knew her brother, it was Tatum! Tatum Riley!" Danny beamed confidently.
"Well done well done."
"Last question. If you get this wrong you die."
"What is the name of the person Sidney Prescott married?"
Danny wasn't so confident anymore.
He had to guess.
"Was it.. Derek?"
"Oh I'm so sorry Danny that's incorrect."
"SHIT" Danny said as he looked around him.
"Now you die" said the crispy sinister voice.
Then out of nowhere, someone who seemed to be the killer on the call, jumped out from the corner and pounced at Danny, stabbing him in the shoulder.
Danny screamed as blood dripped from his shirt.
The Ghostface then stabbed him in his chest 3 times, brutally killing him, blood spilling from his mouth.

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