🚨Roomies (Chanlix)

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-Top/dom Chan
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-1605 words


No one's pov

"Okay is everyone ready to go?" Chan asked. Everyone nodded.

"Okay let's go!"

It was the groups first world tour and they were getting on a plane to their first distanation. Australia.

They made it to the airport a little early so they had some time to waste. They obviously did this by playing stupid games and making a fool of themselves in the airport.

They also got ice cream, although Jisung got a bit upset because he couldn't decide on a flavor. He ended up getting a scope of both anyways.

When the time finally came round to boarding the plane they got on, and lucky for them they already sorted out the seating arrangements, otherwise they would have held everyone else on the plane up.

In the front in was Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Jisung. In the second row it was Minho, Seungmin, and Changbin. Then the last row was Chan and Felix.

When the plane took of they all busied themselves. Some arguing some trying to sleep. Others watching movies. But Chan was bored.

He would try to sleep, but he couldn't with Minho and Seungmin arguing in front of him about what movies to watch.

Meanwhile Felix had almost fell asleep next to him. Until there was turbulence and he was wide awake again.

He signed and looked at Chan. "I can't fall asleep, this plane ride is going to be so boring."

"Just wait till the turbulence is over it won't take that long."

Felix groaned and turned in his seat. Then just like Chan said the turbulence came to a stop and Felix was fast asleep, his head falling onto Chan's shoulder making the older smile.

The plane trip quickly came to an end for the group. But not for Chan who had to sit and listen to the others being incredibly loud the whole trip.

They got off the plane and collected their luggage at the baggage claim.

"Alright guys there should be a van waiting for us outside." Just like their leader said, there was indeed a van waiting to take them to their hotel.

They loaded up their bags and suitcases and got in the van. Chan was just thankful the drive wasn't to long. He didn't know how much more of this he could put up with.

After making it to the hotel they were told their room arrangements and went to unpack.

It was Minho and Jeongin, Seungmin and Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin, and Chan and Felix.

Felix was over the moon when he found out he was roommates with Chan. The older was just as happy to share a room with his aussie friend as it meant his didn't have time deal with the other kids rambling all night long.

After they put their stuff away it was already quite late so they all said their goodnights and went their seperate ways.

Chan sat down at the small table in the room and put his head in his hands, almost falling asleep right then and there.

"You all good there?" Felix asked walking out if the bathroom. His blond hair was wet and dripping. The older would be lying if he said he didn't find him hot.

"Yeah, just a bit tired." The younger hummed, attempting to dry his hair before getting into bed.

"Well come get some sleep then, we have a big day tomorrow." Chan nodded and made his way to the bed before getting in next to Felix.

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