It worked! || Donatello x Clingy fox mutant [ READER ] ( R )

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( Requested by: Cherry_Blossem_Fox )

TYPE: Fluff
TURTLE: Donatello 🥽


AN: I quite forgot to ask the person who requested for this if I should use she/her pronouns and if the Donatello is ROTTMNT, So please do tell if you want some things changed! :'D

It was a very normal day for Donatello, Atleast.. That's what he thought it was.

Donatello is super busy building a super mega side weapon for the turtle tank, until somemutant bursts through the door and immediately leaping towards him " Donnie! ".


This Mutant is [ READER ], She's a fox mutant. Now don't get her confused with a nine tail fox mutant while yes she is related to them she is not one of them!

" Hello [ READER ], what may you need of assistance today? "
" I need you to make me a love potion! " She said enthusiastically to which Donnie responded with a scoff, But for real Donnie may have a teensy-weensy crush on the fox mutant so hearings her say about needing a love potion for someone kinda irritates him.

" Right away [ READER ] " Donnie said doing a little salute hand gesture
" Ooh! Thank you thank you!! " [ READER ] said giving Donnie a tight hug to which he was super stunned and was left speechless, [ READER ] immediately said goodbye and so Donnie immediately went to work creating [ READER ] the god darn best love potion anyone has asked for.




" So hermano, You want me? To do what exactly. " Leonardo asked as Donnie was preparing an arrow with the love potion substance on it.
" I want you to shoot someone with this bow and arrow containing a love potion substance. "
" ... Why?- "
" Because older brother you have more impeccable aim than all the others, Plus I need someone irrelevant to test this. " Donnie explained with a straight face while Leo nods along.

Leo decided to aim the arrow to a snake mutant and a bird mutant, They look at eachother and suddenly felt a fast thumping in their hearts suddenly love hearts appear around eachother.

" Yup the potion wor- OH MY GOSH STOP EW "
" DONNIE WHY AUGH- " The 2 brothers exclaimed as the image of the bird and snake mutant making out burns in their minds.


" Oh Donnie! Did you finish making the love potion? " [ READER ] asked as to Donnie replied.
" Yes I actually did " He said giving [ READER ] the love potion.
" There you go, Now there are some side effects you might need to be aware of such as Dizziness, Nausea, Throwing up, makin- " But before Donnie can continue he was interrupted with a hug from [ READER ] and her tail wagging so much.

" Thank you Donnie! "
" Y-you're welcome.. "

[ READER ] left leaving Donnie alone with his thoughts, ' Does he want [ READER ] to be happy with someone else? ' Yes, If it means that she gets to be with someone other than himself, He might as well be happy for her..


Donnie suddenly awoken from his nightly slumber craving a water to drink, So he jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen.

Suddenly he heard some rumbling happening in the kitchen, Being his curious self he decided to look in and investigate.

Donnie sneaked in slowly and saw [ READER ] holding the love potion and putting some in a water container.

" So in my theory, Donnie will come in here craving some water and so he will take his container and drink it while I jump infront of his view so that he will fall in love with me! This is all going accordingly to plan. " She whispered softly as Donnie listens to it and so Donnie decided to interfere.

" Y'know your plan wouldn't work much if someone else got up and drank some water. " Donatello said which caused [ READER ] to stood frozen in shock and slowly looked towards him completely.

" D-DONNIE! Uh this isn't what it looks like- " [ READER ] said trying to hide the love potion behind her.

" Sigh, [ READER ] you do know you don't need a love potion to make me fall inlove with you.. " Donnie said lovingly while [ READER ] stood there shocked on what she heard.

" Y-you serious..? "
" Yes "

The 2 of them stood there for a few minutes until [ READER ] decided to faint out of nowhere causing noise to erupt which suprised all of the sleeping mutants (except splinter he's busy watching TV)

Donnie held you back up then his brothers bursts into the kitchen with their mystic weapons.
" INTRUDER ALERT! " Raphael said but immediately stopping when he saw it was the fox mutant [ READER ] who apparently created the noise.

" Dangg donatron, So this is who's the love potion for?- "


" Dang those 2 love birds can cause a ruckus at this time of night, Am I right Draxum? " Splinter said while watching TV with his new pal Draxum.
" I didn't quite agree to this jitsu. "
" Ah! Who cares, Popcorn? " Splinter exclaimed and asked Draxum if he wants some more popcorn.

".. You're not as bad as I thought you are jitsu. " Draxum said as he takes some popcorn from the popcorn bowl given to him by splinter.




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