Chapter - 11

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Nobody's POV:

Jeongin was looking crazy, he was covered in blood with both of his hands holding onto a weapon and a huge grin on his face which looked disturbing. Minho clenched his fists, the man he has been looking for, he was the one who turned Minho into an vampire.

Minho looked around for a wood piece, as soon as he found one he picked it up and tried to stab Jeongin in the back with it. Jeongin, who was banging on the door, noticed the figure who was running towards him and he immediately teleported away from the area Minho backed up and looked around, there was no sight of Jeongin, he escaped, Minho made an annoyed sound.

"YOU WILL REGRET IT MINHO." Minho heard in his head, it was Jeongin who said it.

Minho immediately ran to the nearest window to check outside, the car was gone.

Minho's mind repeated the words Jeongin said, he has seen or heard it somewhere. Minho snapped back to reality and went into the room Seungmin was in. And there Seungmin was all curled up rocking back and forth while burying his face in his legs, he was clearly crying.

Minho sighed in relief, glad that he wasn't hurt physically. He walked up to Seungmin and squated down in front of him, "Seungmin? He's gone now, you're fine" Minho said calmly. Seungmin lifted his head only showing half of his face, "H-hyung..- w.. why did you l-leav-" he hiccupped "l-leave.. me-.." he finished his sentence.

Minho pulled him in for a hug and ruffled his hair, he felt guilty. "I-i don't like.." Seungmin stuttered, "hmm?" Minho raised one of his eyebrows unclear of what the younger said, "Nothing...." Seungmin mumbled while resting his head on Minho's chest. Seungmin calmed down after a while but was still shivering, Minho never expected him to cry this much, he is always loud and energetic. "Seungmin, you should sleep on the bed the floor is cold." Minho mentioned, "no.. stay like this...please" Seungmin immediately refused. Minho's felt his face starting to heat up, it was a very light shade of pink.

Seungmin was dozing off and yawning every now and then but he forced himself to stay awake even though it was hard for him to do so. Minho noticed the younger, "Are you tired?" Minho asked, "Maybe.." Seungmin whispered but Minho still heard him. "Then sleep." Minho said without hesitating, "but wouldn't it make you uncomfortable..? I can sleep on the b-" Seungmin was cut off when Minho pulled his head closer to his chest patting it gently. "It's fine, just sleep," Minho repeated. Seungmin was flabbergasted, he never expected a killer to be this nice, he didn't complain about it though. Seungmin closed his eyes after some time and went back to dreamland. On the other hand, Minho closed his eyes leaning his head on the wall and rested. He usually doesn't sleep as he is busy almost all day.

Minho's POV:

I woke up early as usual to find a sleeping Seungmin hugging onto me, he looked so peaceful, so... cute.. I shook my head 'what are you thinking Minho.. this is wrong, i shouldn't think like this...'

I carried Seungmin bridal styled and gently placed him on the bed, covering him with the warm and soft blanket.

I had to clean the house as it was a disaster, but i remembered that i had a meeting at 5:30a.m. I panicked and went to my room to get changed, i haven't eaten for a while now i was hungry but i resisted myself from drinking blood as i didn't want Seungmin to feel weaker than usual.

As soon as i finished changing i went into Seungmin's room just to take a last look at him to make sure he is fine. I wrote a short note to inform him that im going out, as much as i didn't like to leave him alone the meeting was very important and i can't miss it.

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