Chapter 1 | Certain news |

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Taking quite a break from my other story "Misfortunes happen"
Excuse my bad writing, i will try my best to improve so pls comment and vote on this story so i have motivation to continue ^^


The sun shone on the light cream blonde girl's face as her magenta eyes glistened while looking out at a glass window that reflected a beautiful long flowy white silk gown that had patterns of roses, high shaped neckline, puffy sleeves that had pearls hanging and a floor length long veil that was decorated with stars and tiny butterflies & also tiny ribbons decorated in the corners of the lower part of the dress

"Perfect", Nene whispered to herself with glee.

Now here is a 25yo Yashiro nene is about to get wed with her highschool sweetheart, Minamoto Kou
Back then, her 16yo self would laugh about this and say that the young Minamoto was not exactly her type and that they were just friends infact she would've choosen his older brother - Minamoto Teru instead, but let's say things changed and the saying 'opposites attract' is actually true

" Kou i found a great gown to wear on this store called ******* and I'll send you the address while going to try it out right now" Nene spoke on her phone in a cheery tone
"Is that so, Yashiro? I'm a little busy now but i'll be right there in a few minutes you just try it out" The Minamoto replied kind of exhausted
"All right don't rush!" Nene said while hanging up

The shop's bell rang as nene opened the glass door excitedly while smelling the lovely fragrance of what seemed to be how flowers smelled at springtime and also ofcourse, fresh gowns.

"Good afternoon ma'am, may i help you?" The woman at the counter asked with a friendly smile

"Ah yes, i would like to try out for the wedding gown near the glass window please" Nene replied pointing at the dress

"'s your bill" the woman said while handing out a small sheet of paper
as she was taking out the gown nene saw from near the window
"Thank you" Nene replied taking the sheet of paper while holding the gown in her arms walking towards the dressing room

An hour later - Nene and Kou met up at a restaurant as the young Minamoto felt guilty not showing up at the store Yashiro spoke about

"Well is there any special reason we're here?" Nene asked with a curious smile

"Aha, you could..say that" Kou replied with a held back chuckle
"Actually there's some news, remember our old highschool?, Kamone Gakuen academy" asked Kou holding out an old picture of their Kamone

"Oh yes, i had memorable moments there.." Nene's head tilted smiling as she took the old picture of Kamone
"What about it?" asked Nene snapping questionably out of her thoughts

"Well, there's a highschool reunion happening there tomorrow, i thought we could go there and maybe invite our old classmates to our wedding" Kou stated

"That's a good idea, i bet they're gonna be suprised" Nene exclaimed in a teasing tone

"Yeah who knew, we would be together" Kou snickered with a smile as he and the light cream blonde's held hands together as If nothing could ever go wrong.

'Who knows?'

Well that was a short chapter,
Kounene is such a guilty pleasure pair
Also pretend my bad impression of writing clothes dosen't exist when it unfortunately does-

Imagine writing a chapter to introduce the characters but Wattpad always crashes while making it so you give up
Stay tuned for the next chapter !

     ~"Fate has tied me with you"~

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~"Fate has tied me with you"~

"Fate has tied me with you" | TBHK/JSHK |Where stories live. Discover now