Playground Spooks

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Children's laughter could be heard in and around the large playground where Sam and Dean had taken up their next job. It had seemed that a poltergeist had been scaring the local children from the area near sunset. Sam had pointed out that maybe there was an unknown cemetery underneath the playground, but Dean just shook his head. So Sam kept on doing his research as Dean tried to find a suitable explanation for the reports.

Minutes later Sam looked up to Dean and smirked, a smile on his lips, "I found out why the local playground is haunted."

Dean looked over to him, "Why?"

"Seems that back in the 1790's there was a family that had perished from a disease and were buried next to their home. A hurricane took it out some years later and the area where the house stood became farm land. Guess what land that is?"

Dean groaned, "You mean the playground?"

Sam nodded, "There was a small landmark nearby that makes me think it is. Remember that tree with the heart in the middle. The one that we thought was odd? Well it's said that the wife of the house was a witch and created the tree for her children."

"And why haunt it now?"

Sam sighed, "That's what I am not sure about. It seems that when the playground was done, they took a bit of the roots from the tree out. Maybe cutting the tree had awoken the spirits somehow."

"And now the children bear the pain. How bittersweet."

"Dean, what else can it be? We were called here for help and we have nothing. What are we to do?"

"Call Bobby and see what he says? Maybe there is more to the story than we know."

"Fine Dean, do it, but I'm going out to the library to see what I can find. There has to be some history to this town, it's one of the oldest in the state."

Sam rose and left the room, slamming the door behind him. Dean shook his head. He returned to his laptop and clicked open an email from an old friend. She told him of the playground and how children were getting hurt or spooked at sunset. She also pointed out that her family took the brunt of it and couldn't tell him why. So he opened another window and typed in her family name and waited. What came on the screen nearly floored him. In 1787, her descendent had been the one to accuse the family of witchcraft but nothing had been done until 1790 when three more families accused them of the same thing. The town then decided to burn the family out of their home. The house was torched but nothing happened. So the townspeople then took the family from the home and burned them where they stood. When they were dead, a hole was dug and they were thrown into it. Their graves were never marked. The house and tree was all that was left. But by 1845, the house was gone. Her descendent tried time and again to destroy the tree to wipe away any evidence of the family but the tree never died. They gave up and moved on. The town was abandoned in 1890 when coal and other resources were found up north. The town fell to disarray and finally became nothing more than a shell. In 1975, the McLane family came back to the area and started a new town. Since then, the town has been growing. Nothing went wrong until the playground had been built.

Dean closed the page and sat back. Could it be that the ghosts of the condemned family were after the McLane family for their deaths? He shook his head. He pulled his cell phone out and dialed Lily's number. It rang twice before a female voice answered. "What is it Dean? Did you find something?"

"Yes, I did. Did you know your family used to live here in the 17 and 1800's?"

"No. My father never talked about his family and any information on my family was lost or so I was told."

Playground Spooks (A Supernatural Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now