Chapter 1

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Part Two- Volterra

Chapter One

It didn't matter how much Hermione tried to rationalise things in her mind, the truth of the matter was she was leaving Hogwarts, her home, her life. She was leaving all of her friends, the family that she had adopted over the years, and she was leaving the man that she loved. She was leaving behind everything she had ever known or cared about in order to enter into a new world, a world which was unfamiliar to her. She felt like that young girl again who had just found out she was a witch and would be entering the world of magic for the first time. But this was completely different. This was not the Wizarding World.

Hermione would be living in a totally different country with people, no not people, but vampires who she knew nothing about. Well except that they were all powerful in their own right and that in their world, they were basically seen as Royalty and governed the vampires. The Volturi made the laws and expected all vampires to follow them. If they didn't and broke the law, depending on the severity of such law breaking they would be tried and sentenced, sometimes to death. Their methods may have appeared to be medieval but they worked. Nothing was more important to the Volturi than keeping their race a secret from humans. Hermione could understand that law as it was the same in the Wizarding World. They had the International Statue of Secrecy which hid the Wizarding community from Muggles and hid the world that they lived in.

To say she wasn't terrified about this new chapter in her life would be wrong. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared out of her mind, despite how powerful she may be. The truth was she was nervous and scared as hell. She didn't know what to expect and didn't know anything about the vampires she would be living with from now on. Also because she was magical as well as being a vampire, Hermione wasn't even sure if they would even accept her. Aro did of course, but that was only because he saw her as a prize, someone he could use to gain the things that he wanted. In the magical world, because of her blood status as a Muggleborn witch, she hadn't been accepted like others had, especially the Purebloods. A part of her didn't want to face all of that again, just because she wasn't like other vampires. She hoped that they could accept her for who she was, maybe not straight away but eventually.

Sitting next to Aro on the Volturi's private plane with Felix and Demetri sitting across from her, she glanced shyly at him from the corner of her eye and watched as he sat rubbing his chin absentmindedly, appearing deep in thought. She would have loved to have used Legilimency on him but since he was the main leader of the Volturi, she thought it probably best not to invade his mind like that. Despite the fact that she was his prize, she got the feeling that he would be one of those leaders who would turn against a vampire if they provoked him too far. She had seen his thoughts by using his own power against him and saw the things that he was capable of. Hermione didn't know him and so didn't know how far she could take things with him just yet.

He was so elegant and sophisticated and unlike anyone she had ever met before. His body was poised and graceful, with one leg crossed over the other. His raven hair fell gently over one shoulder and down his back. His appearance was neat and suave with nothing out of place. He had taken off his long black and red cloak, but still wore the Volturi crest around his neck. He was lean and slender and was a lot taller than she was. His pale skin was flawless and was a sharp contrast to his black hair and red eyes. Looking at him now he was like a darker more elegant version of Lucius Malfoy. She had to stifle a chuckle at this thought and knew for certain that Lucius would not appreciate being compared to a vampire. Despite how much his views had changed over the years.

Even to Hermione, she had to admit that Aro was attractive and sitting in close proximity to him now, wasn't helping her thoughts either. She could feel his presence next to her and could feel that same pull towards him. Every time his leg brushed against hers, an electric current fired through her. She hated her body's treacherous response to him and cursed herself for feeling the way that she did, not to mention she couldn't understand it. Aro was married and she loved Severus that was all that mattered. Also she wasn't even sure if she liked him as a vampire or not yet. The impression he had given her so far wasn't favourable. But impressions could be changed in time. She knew that from experience.

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