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January 1st

"I think you should go with the pink," Idalia said, pointing to my right hand.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I think Armani will like the black."

Idalia made an o-shape with her lips, "Ohh I thought you were asking which one would look better not which one zia would like."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Dali that was definitely a diss."

Idalia only shrugged, "You know what's a real diss?" she asked, which made me raise a brow. "You making us shop for almost four hours and not buying me any more cookies."

"Dali you've had five already—and a milkshake."


After a moment of staring down at her with a raised brow, I eventually gave in, "Fine, let's go," I said, which earned a sudden grin from her.

"I think this time I'll try the strawberry swirl cookie," Idalia said, grabbing my hand as we walked through the store toward the checkout.

I'm beginning to see why Emilia tells her no the first time.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Yeah-yeah," I said, as she began quickening our walking pace completely.

After checking out and two cookies later, Idalia and I were back in my car. And even though Christmas was over, Idalia seemed to be in a bit of denial.

Considering she insisted I play Christmas music the entire ride as she danced and sang in her car seat. I genuinely wonder what other music she likes to listen to.

As soon as we got parked in the parking garage, I unbuckled Idalia, helping her onto her feet before grabbing the shopping bags and walking toward the elevators.

Idalia practically skipped to the elevators with excitement as I seemingly tried my best to keep up with her.

As soon as we got on the elevator, I pressed the very top floor, sending the elevator shooting up as Idalia hummed to herself.

When the elevator dinged open on the fiftieth floor, Idalia ran out into the large open space.

"Zia-zia!" she called, as I laughed, walking in behind her.

Armani walked over from the kitchen where she was putting up plates, coming into view just as Idalia jumped into her arms. Armani's eyes were slightly wide as she caught the small girl, "You're very full of energy," Armani said, smiling slightly.

I heard Emilia let out an amused sigh, walking over from the living room where she was unpacking boxes, "How many cookies did she have?" she asked me, which made a slow smile grow on my face, setting the bags down on the black marble kitchen counters.

I tilted my head, pretending to be confused as Armani let Idalia down from her arms. "What cookies? Was there a cookie place there? I wouldn't have even known..." I trailed off.

Armani walked to stand behind me, sliding her arms around me as she hummed, "You're a terrible liar."

I turned my entire body to face her, leaning against the counter, "Who said I was lying?"

"I don't know, I think the chocolate around Dali's mouth makes it pretty clear," Armani pointed out, raising a slight brow, which made me look over to Idalia, who was subtly wiping the chocolate from around her mouth. Armani smiled, "We tried to warn you to—"

"Say no the first time," Emilia finished her sentence, smiling as she guided Idalia out onto the penthouse patio that was covered in greenery.

I looked back to Armani, "I tried... but she's so cute—and persuasive," I whined, sliding my hands up Armani's toned arms.

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (18+) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now