Beatrice has been lying motionless for almost an hour. She hasn't felt her arm for a long time, but she knows she still has it because she can see it clearly. Lying across her arm is a sick Ava, who is using it as a pillow while holding her forearm with her other hand. The younger woman's hair tickles them both every time she adjusts in her sleep.

At this point, Beatrice urgently needs to stretch out, but she dares not disturb her beloved's sleep. Ava is sick and spent hours coughing and sneezing during the night. After giving her some medicine, a hot bath, and a cup of tea, Beatrice took her to bed.

Who would have thought that the halo doesn't cure diseases like this? Apparently, it's not just Beatrice's hickeys that he makes a point of leaving, coloring Ava's milky skin. Right now, in this position, Beatrice can see one that is in the process of discoloring, the mark is a light shade. Beatrice loves doing it, those and many others spread over the younger woman's body.

She reaches over and places a soft kiss over the mark. Ava moans softly and leans into the touch. Even in her sleep, she still revels in her sweetheart's kisses. Beatrice, worried that she'll wake up, strokes her hair and whispers soothing words as she carefully watches the young woman's face relax.

Beatrice can finally let out a sigh of relief. Taking care of Ava when she's sick is a challenge, even though she's a sweetheart. It seems like Ava has a resistance to receiving care, possibly due to something in her past. Even when Beatrice noticed her sneezing and flushed cheeks, Ava insisted she was fine.

Ava sleeps with her mouth slightly open, and her breathing is heavy. Beatrice checks her forehead to see if her fever has subsided. Feeling the coolness of her skin, Beatrice breathes another sigh of relief. Who would have thought that running in the rain on a chilly morning would cause this? Beatrice remarks, but Ava is too happy to care. All she wanted was to feel the raindrops on her skin. Beatrice watched from under her umbrella, enjoying the view, but regretting the outcome.

Ava wakes up like an enthusiastic puppy, wagging her tail and urging Beatrice to go outside in the rain.

"Bea, it's raining!"

Still half asleep, Beatrice barely registers Ava's excitement as she raises her head to see her lover's beaming face. Ava is now wearing one of Beatrice's sweaters - something that happens quite often since Beatrice thinks Ava doesn't have enough clothes. She doesn't mind, though; the scent of Ava on her clothes is something she loves.

"I see. Now go back to bed." Sister Beatrice is a woman of routine and discipline and doesn't like to get up early. If it weren't for the rain, Ava would still be sleeping, and it would be Beatrice's job to coax her out of bed for breakfast and training.

"Please, Bea, let's go outside." Ava runs towards the bed and jumps in, her puppy dog eyes imploring Beatrice to join her.

"Okay, but I won't get wet." Beatrice gives Ava a quick kiss on her lips and gets out of bed. "And put on some clothes. There might be other sisters awake!"

Ava's legs are stunning, but going out in just a sweater is not a good idea, especially with a dark hickey on her inner thigh. After they both get dressed, they step outside to enjoy the rain. Ava runs around the garden, enjoying the muddy puddles and wet grass on her bare feet. She's now wearing a shirt and sweatpants - not wanting to ruin Beatrice's sweater and wanting to keep her scent.

"What is that idiot girl doing?"

Lilith surprises Beatrice by showing up all sweaty from her morning workout. Despite the marks on her body, there's nothing to indicate the existence of her wings. Lilith has learned to retract them when necessary.

"Hi, Lilith. Good morning."

"Morning, Beatrice." Lilith rolls her eyes at Ava's exuberance and thinks to herself that she'd make a great poster girl for energy drinks.

Beatrice admits that she no longer cares about Lilith's teasing of Ava. She's learned to accept it as a form of affection.

"My girlfriend is really enjoying life and its little pleasures," Ava says, twirling around with her face towards the sky.

"Okay," Lilith responds nonchalantly, and continues on her way.

Although Beatrice is worried about Ava being sick, she doesn't regret indulging her girlfriend's playful whims. For Ava, savoring the little moments is important, and Beatrice wants to ensure she doesn't miss out on any of them. As a warrior nun, there may not be many opportunities for Ava to fully appreciate life's joys, so Beatrice is dedicated to helping her experience them, preferably by her side. Ava has made it clear how important Beatrice's presence is to her.

Despite feeling a bit uncomfortable, Beatrice snuggles up to Ava, kisses her on the cheek, and tries to nod in agreement.

"I love you forever, in this life and the next," Beatrice whispers as she closes her eyes and breathes in the scent of her beloved.

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