▪︎■ 44 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

My breathing hitched as I pressed my back against the wall of the plane. I turned my head to my right and met Adrin's gaze. The tension crept up my spine like a shadow that wheighted a damn ton, and I immediately clutched the gun tighter with my hands.

We took cover on either side of the jet's door, which also build the stairway to the outside. The plane landed less than two minutes ago on a wide street next to our meeting point; a large abandoned warehouse. It was quiet, deadly quiet. Way too quiet for my liking... I turned slightly to look out one of the little window, just a few inches, as I wouldn't risk to reveal myself to the enemy.

As I scanned the place, my eyes fell on a dozen men who were already waiting for us. And they brought us some gifts... Guns- lots of guns. My body slid back into its original position and the only sound I heard now was the slight hum of the electronic door, opening automatically at an inappropriately slow pace. If I hadn't been on the verge of getting into a 2 against 12 gun fight, I would have laughed about the comical scene; us, armed- them, armed. Both staring at the door, waiting for the door to open completely to also open the fight- giving the kickoff for the battle, that was way overdue.

"A dozen men," I reported to Adrin and he nodded. "Understood."

"Ainara?" he asked.

"Adrin," I answered.

"Be careful. Okay?" Adrin said, worry swinging with his words.

I pressed my lips together and nodded. "You too." I meant it. It was the only time I let it happen- the thoughts about my own worry about him. "I don't want to stitch you up again, okay?"

He grinned and shook his head. Meanwhile the door was seconds from being down completely.

Then the enemy took their chance and began to shoot at the entrance. The freezing air practically slapped me in the face, circulating inside the warm jet in an instant. There was snow outside and the sky was dark and cloudy.

"I love you," he screamed over the hammering sounds inflicted by the gun shots.

"I love you," I screamed in return, before he bend down to my purse to get out the grenade I always carried with me. He winked at me, then pulled at the safety clip and reached over to throw the grenade at the men outside. I heard them screaming at each other and running, probably trying to find something to take cover.

I covered my ears and just one heartbeat later, an earth shattering explosion made my ears beep.

There was no time to recover so we left our cover and stepped into the exit, immediately aiming and shooting at the men. They were laying or kneeling on the floor, two of them flatter than what would be considered healthy. They seemed to not have made it in time to run from the grenade... Screaming, another one of them clutched his arm as blood spurted out of the place where his hand should have been.

Got him good.

There were still nine men left though and it very quickly got very apparent. They caught themselves quickly, shooting at us while getting up to come closer. We were shooting and seeking cover rotatory and I knew we would be doomed the moment they got into the jet. Another one dropped to the floor with blood leaking out from between his eyes. The next got a good load of lead into his chest, not dead immediately but surely the lights wouldn't stay on much longer.

One moment where I leaned against the wall of the jet again, taking deep breaths, I looked at Adrin and knew instantly we had lost our original head start. We had to get more offensive. That was my thing, after all.

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