▪︎■ 45 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎


What was the bastard doing here?!
What kind of shit show was being played here?

The men closed in fast, their guns still trained on us.

"Let me see your little hands, will you?" Miguel grinned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fuck you, you fucking traitor!" Ainara spat at him, anger seething off her tongue.

He tsked three times, as if he was talking to a child that acted out against his rules. My eyes jumped to Nara, hoping she would just stay quiet for her own sake.

"That's a lot of fucks given... Hey, Dimitri! Say it three times without stuttering!"

He chuckled, obviously being more than amused by the whole scenery. Suddenly he stops, his face serious and hard now. The fun was over apparently.

"Hands up or I'm making it my mission to add another bullet to your body."

It was the first time that I didn't see him as Ainara's idiotic henchman, but a serious man with, for once, real thoughts behind his eyes- which he must have hidden very well. I had let myself be blinded by his mask and had walked straight into his trap like a little child that fell right into the well.

I slowly raised both hands and dropped the gun. My gaze darted to Ainara and I noticed that she was doing the same with a grinding jaw.

We were really about to surrender. Fucking shit.

The traitor now stood hip-width apart and made eye contact with one of his- or rather Iwanow's- men. He nodded in our direction, signaling him to get our weapons. The stranger nodded and immediately rushed towards us. He knelt in front of Ainara to pick up her gun.

He stretched out his arm and Ainara looked down at him. Hatred in her eyes. It was the same look in her eyes that was hinted at earlier, when she recounted her past as a hit woman. She wasn't understating- she came across as the for me totally unknown, ruthless person of her own personal legend.

I suspected bad things following that look, but she- for now- only decided to spit on the man. Right into his hair.
A smug grin spread across her face, leaving no doubt as to her bloodthirsty thoughts.

"You damn bitch!" he exclaimed angrily, jumping up.

Immediately, he grabbed Ainara's throat and squeezed, anger prominent on his features. I was about to beat the shit out of that asshole and punish him for having the gall to touch and slander my woman. I was prevented from doing so by one of the men, who cocked the safety clip and aimed the gun directly at my head.

So I just stood there uselessly as I had no choice but to postpone the anger until later.

I wanted to hurt him. All of them. They should all die.
One after the other.

"I will make you-" he continued before being interrupted by Miguel.

"Let her go. She will still get her punishment, but that's Emilio's responsibility! That honor doesn't belong to you, so piss the fuck off!" he snapped at him.
The russian obeyed with a reluctant expression.

On the way, he grabbed my Baretta and I resisted the seductive urge to give him a nice painful kick with my leg right into his crotch.

He returned to his original spot and pointed the gun at me again. He actually had the nerve to taunt me with a snooty smile.

Fucking bastard, you're gonna bleed for this.

"So... I haven't ratted on anyone in quite a long time, what exactly am I expected to do? Anyways... I suggest we move our asses inside now, ladies."

He nodded towards the warehouse at an angle behind him and the men began to move. Two of them grabbed me and Ainara and dragged us ahead, past the other ten men. They followed us less than two seconds later, behind us and to our sides so none of us two had a chance to escape.
Miguel walked through the snow a few feet ahead of us, leaving his footprints there.

Concerned, I looked over at Ainara as an attempt to check on the gunshot wound. She didn't look too well, pale with a film of sweat on her forehead. Apparently she lost blood and was in a lot of pain. Still, she stayed on her feet and continued to fight for consciousness.

I frowned due to the worries about her which I felt rising and I couldn't help but think that all of this could have been a mistake.

We had no choice anymore. We decided to do it. To go through all of this. We wanted this war, which was long overdue.

Either way, no matter the outcome, at the end of this day we would finally have peace.

We were nudged roughly into the hall and stumbled the last few feet to the middle of the room.

"Miguel, mi amigo. Good job," I heard an unfamiliar voice and I just knew it was him by the way my stomach dropped.

"Yes, Miguel, good job..." This time it was the familiar voice of Iwanow answering him. He was here.

I looked up from my feet, for the first time not being herded like cattle in front of my enemies. The first thing I saw was Emilio Jiménez. In person. Next to him Miguel (already) with a frown, arms still crossed in front of his chest.

He was just as old and battered as in the photo Ainara had shown me when we first met. His good eye stared at us intently- first at Ainara, then at me. There it was again; the unfortunate brown of his eye.

Memories flashed in front of my eyes again, coming up to haunt me from only one damn look; the moment he shot my uncle, when i saw his evil eyes from inside the car, when he destroyed my family...

His left eye was no longer covered by an eye patch but shone out of the darkness in a milky white, only illuminated by a small ray of light, which shone through a small window into the otherwise gloomy room.
I was absolutely sure he had picked that shitty spot to be extra dramatic.
He would have done us all a favor by keeping that grisly face hidden in the shadows.

"Ainara, long time no see. Finally... finally I've found you," he grinned, stalking towards her. My stomach dropped again and I was feeling sicker with every step he made into her direction. He was going to hurt her, I saw in in his face. The desire- the pure, evil desire to torture and kill her.


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I think everyone that I could have made a traitor is one, right? Hmu if I missed someone 💀

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