▪︎■ 49 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Miguel Alejo Suarez ■▪︎

My former boss dropped to the floor shortly after Mr. Bianchi. I watched the blood to my feet and their lifeless expressions.

My gun was still hot when Vlad walked up to Ainara and Mr. Bianchi to grab their wrists one after the other, checking for their pulse.

"Dead," he reported shortly and returned to his original position.

Emilio began to laugh, satisfied with my work. I didn't feel bad. At least I redeemed both of them from this life.

"Good, good, fantastic! Finally! Very well, Miguel. You just proved to me that you deserve to be my number two. Consider yourself promoted, hijo. I knew you had potential when I first saw you in Colombia, even as a little boy."

He placed his hand on my shoulder, hitting it just slightly too hard. I turned around to face him.

Ah, yes. Colombia.

Yes, you heard that right; I not only am from the same city as Ainara, I also knew Emilio and the cartel- let's say pretty good. Hearing him talk about my future and how he wants it to be, made my god-given distinctive patience snap. You should know I wasn't really into the idea of having to see that disfigured one-eyed bitch one day longer.

After all this, I surely wouldn't be satisfied with being a number two, nor would I be willing to be Emilio's number two in the future. I had my own plans. And my own vendetta.

The doors on our sides opened and Vlad came inside again, eyes opened widely. He stumbled inside and immediately all the doors around us got kicked open. Shortly after Vlad ran into the warehouse, I saw Cruz and my armed men and women storming into the building, surrounding us. They outnumbered the russians by far and they were too fast for them to shoot at them. They had no other option beside dropping their guns and raising their hands to surrender.


"I'm glad you mentioned that..." I said to Emilio with a one-sided, smug smile.

"Honestly..." I began, "I don't think this will work out between us, bae. It's not me, it's you." I would be lying if I would say I wasn't having the time of my life. It was utterly satisfying to finally get him after so much time of pretending to be his minion. "Thanks for the prep work, though. Makes it easier to take over the cartels..."

"What? Miguel, what are you-" Emilio stumbled and I interrupted him immediately. This time I wasn't up to joke anymore. I was fucking pissed and I would make sure to let him know.

My feet brought me closer to him with firm steps until I grabbed him by his throat. I towered over him, displaying my full size.

"You fucker, you betrayed me," he choked out and I tsked a few times. "I guess I'm just not good at keeping secrets, Emilio," I whispered and he seemed to understand by the way his eyes widened.

"Sucks to lose, right, Emilio? You will pay. For everything you have done. Did you think I didn't know what you did to my sister? And you bastard don't even know her name.." I gritted out the words and my knuckles turned white from the firmness of my grip on his throat. He gasped for air but I wouldn't do him the favor. His hands clawed into mine as he couldn't remove the pressure on his throat.

His eyes widened.

Yeah. That's right you fucker. Go on, continue to realise how fucked you really are.

I turned my head slightly, without letting him out of my sight. My next words were directed at Cruz, my second in command.

"Kill them all," I ordered and he passed down my order to the team.

With one monochrome, satisfying bang, the russians dropped to the floor. Like a very deadly domino effect. But like everything at once.

I liked that.

Emilios eyes followed the circle of corpses but I, for one, honestly only waited for the ugly little tears of realization. Shame, he tried to keep a straight face, I really wanted to know if he could cry out of that eyeless crater.

Well, there was still plenty of time for that experiment.

Now was the time to get the perfect moment for Emilio to not die but make him pass out. I would've loved to kill him now but my plan paired with some patience would pay off. That moment was now. I let go of him and he dropped to the floor like many others before him.

He wasn't dead though, there were worse things awaiting him.

"Get the bodies out of here and clean everything up. I will take care of Emilio personally. This bitch won't get away this time," I said to the remaining people. They nodded or simply started to do what I asked them to, only Cruz came towards me.

His black hair was ruffled and around his brown eyes was a big bruise. Altogether with the cut on his cheek, he looked like he had a not so pleasant morning.

"What the hell took you so long?" I asked.

"I'd tell you to go to hell but I don't want to see you there," he scolded. "We were busy fighting our way inside the building. They awaited us but I think they expected Moreno's men. What about them anyway? Why are we here and not them?"

I grabbed his arm, pulling him away from eventual curious ears. "They don't know about all of this, just that Moreno and Bianchi were going to have a meeting with Iwanow. That's also why Emilio had no big problems with getting Erlina." Because they shouldn't know what happened here to their boss...

"You didn't know he was going to get her?" He asked, surprised.

"No, apparently he didn't tell me everything." I answered truthfully.

He nodded. "What will happen to her, now, that both her parents are dead?"

"I'll take care of it," I said. "I'll take over Moreno's men and because the other russian men don't know what happened here, I'll take their mafia, too. I'm not sure about the italians yet, I don't have any connection to them so for them to trust me isn't up to discussion probably."

"Sometimes I forget about your evil genius tendencies..." He answered half joking, half serious.

I just laughed at my best friend.

"Come on now, we have a lot to do. A mafia doesn't lead itself, let alone three."


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