Chapter 12

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"You're joking right?!" Chanhee exclaimed with laughter as Changmin and him were walking back down to the beginning of the secret garden. "I'm not! The cops came and everything. They made Eric do the walk of shame as he returned the candy." Changmin explained as he almost toppled over from laughter.

"Woah there, calm down." Chanhee stated as he helped Changmin to stand. "Thanks." Changmin softly said as he stared at Chanhee like he was the only person in the world. And well technically he was at the moment as they can't see anyone else, but that doesn't change anything because even in a room full of people, Changmin would still be staring at Chanhee.

"Hey you wanna get some food? We did kinda left around lunch time." Chanhee asked as a soft blush made its way onto his cheeks from Changmin's intense stare. "Oh! Yea, you must be hungry." Changmin replied snapping out of his trace as he took hold of the other's hand and started running towards the front.

"And we're running again! Jeez Min you're going to kill me." Chanhee exclaimed, mindlessly letting the nickname roll off his tongue.

Changmin froze for a second before shaking it off and continued to run. For some reason, his nickname sounded so beautiful when Chanhee says it compared to whenever anyone else called him 'Min'. That addictive feeling coming back to him making his heart raced a little or was that just because of the running? Whatever it was, Changmin didn't want it to end.

"Alright, where do you want to eat?" Changmin asked as he locked up the secret garden. "Are there any breakfast diners that are open at this time?" Chanhee asked as he put on his helmet. "There's Butterfly Cafe. I heard they have some good pancakes." Changmin said as he put on his helmet and hopped onto his motorcycle. Chanhee hopping on after him.

"Oh, I see you're not afraid of riding a motorcycle anymore." Changmin said in a teasing manner. "Just drive." Chanhee let out as he softly hit the other's back. Changmin laughed a little before taking off. As they took off, Chanhee wrapped his arms tighter around the other's waist while he laid his head on Changmin's back, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Don't fall asleep now, it's not a fun experience." Changmin said with a chuckle making Chanhee rolled his eyes and looked at the buildings fly by.

Chanhee doesn't know what to call this feeling he's feeling, but he's loving it. He feels so free in this exact moment, like he's running on clouds and rainbows. He's as if he can do anything and everything, he doesn't have to worry about an upcoming test or what time he has to be back at school before his mom comes and picks him up. He feels stress free and it's all thanks to a certain lanky black haired boy.

"Are we there yet?" Chanhee asked as he pressed his chin softly into Changmin's shoulder. "Almost. Why, are you going to die from hunger?" Changmin laughed as he felt soft punches to his back. "Probably if you don't hurry up." Chanhee pouted as he pressed his head back into the other's back.

"Alright, alright. No more pouting, we're here." Changmin announced as he parked the motorcycle in a parking spot and took off his helmet.

"When you said Butterfly Cafe, I didn't expect it to actually look like a garden full of butterflies." Chanhee remarked as he hopped off the bike and took off his helmet. "I mean, it is called a Butterfly Cafe for a reason." Changmin respond with a teasing smile as he went to open the door for Chanhee.

"How can you be a tease and a gentleman at the same time?" Chanhee asked as he entered the cafe and walked over to a table in the far corner next to the window.

"It's one of my many charms." Changmin winked as he slid into the booth in front of Chanhee. "Right because Ji Changmin has charms." Chanhee playfully rolled his eyes as he uncrossed his arms and picked up the menu. Changmin dramatically gasped—catching the attention of some bystanders—as he placed his hand to his chest.

"I have you know, Choi Chanhee, I have multiple charms." Changmin quipped as he pointed a finger at Chanhee with a playful glare.

"Awe, you look like a cute squirrel with your puffed up cheeks." Chanhee cooed as he slowly put down Changmin's finger. Changmin felt heat race to his cheeks as he pouted and crossed his arms. Just then a waiter came over with a notepad and pen.

"Good morning, welcome to Butterfly Cafe. My name is Han-Wool and I'll be serving you today. What can I get for you two today?" The waiter said with a bright smile as he got ready to write down the orders. "Hi, I'll like an ice frappe, vanilla. And three pancakes, please." Changmin ordered with a smile as he closed the menu.

"Alright. And for you sir?" Han-Wool said as he finished writing Changmin's order down and looking over to Chanhee. "I'll like an ice cappuccino, caramel. And two pancakes, please." Chanhee ordered with a smile as he placed his menu on top of Changmin's.

"Alright, one ice vanilla frappe and three pancakes, with an ice caramel cappuccino and two pancakes for the lovely couple coming right up." Han-Wool repeated as he took up the menus.

"We're not-" Chanhee couldn't finish his sentence because Han-Wool was already in the back making the order. So with a sighed, Chanhee just turned his head to the window next to him. The atmosphere was slightly awkward as Changmin started to lightly drum on the table and Chanhee hummed a tune stuck in his head, the two having nothing to really talk about.

"So....what are some of your hobbies?" Changmin coyly asked as he messed with the napkins placed on the table.

"I like to sing in my free time. I also like to cook and bake." Chanhee answered as he looked back at the black haired male. "So like, when you cook or bake, you'll bust out singing sometimes?" Changmin asked with a chuckle as he imagined the pinked haired male singing his heart out while baking a cake.

"Yes actually. Music is a big part of my everyday life. Never once will I go without humming a tune." Chanhee explained as he held a smile on his face.

"Funny because music is a big part of my life as well. Besides sitting on my roof, stargazing, I love to dance, I always have. I can still remember little me making up choreography to any song my parents will play around the house. I was a happy child back then." Changmin said with a hidden sadness in his voice as he ripped up a napkin.

Chanhee noticed the hidden sadness and wanted to question it, but felt like he wasn't in the right place to mingle into someone else's personal life. Especially if you barely know them.

"Do you still make up choreography to songs or....?" Chanhee asked as he took hold of a napkin as well, needing something to distract his hands with. "I still do. Just not as often as I used to." Changmin softly replied as he put all the napkin bits into a pile and pushed it to the side. Chanhee was about to ask a question, but Han-Wool came over with their order.

"Alright, one ice vanilla frappe with three pancakes." He said as he placed the order on the table in front of Changmin. "And one ice caramel cappuccino with two pancakes." The waiter said as he placed the food down in front of Chanhee.

"Here is the syrup and some forks. Enjoy." Han-Wool said with a smile as he placed the mention stuffed down before walking away. "Now I can see if your statement is true." Chanhee quipped as he poured syrup onto his pancakes. "Be my guest." Changmin gestured with a small laugh. Chanhee smiled fondly, hearing Changmin laugh sounds like music to Chanhee's ears.

And you can call Chanhee cheesy all you want, but he most definitely would love to hear the other laugh more often.


Am I an author or am I an author? Because this whole chapter is mixed with all the feels(by Twice). I'm literally in love with this chapter.

This might be my favorite book I have ever written. 👀

Unless I come out with another book that can top this one, which I doubt lowkey.

But enough with the self doubt, I made a playlist for this book!!!

But anyways that's all for this chapter, so with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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