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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

I opened my eyes, only to just see black again. To look around, I lifted my head and winced a little from the general soreness of... dying.

I layed on a cold, hard surface but I could feel space between the kind of board made of metal and the incredibly restrictive walls a few inches next to me. Apparently not only the walls were really close, the ceiling was also just a few inches above me.

If I would have been claustrophobic, I would have died a second time that day. But I wasn't, so instead I groped my way to the potential exit with an abnormal pulse.

Might be the panic, might be waking up from the dead... Who knows.

My feet reached another wall and I began to kick against it with all my mighty force. It didn't seem to do anything to the metallic box but I continued my assault on the walls.

Suddenly my feet didn't hit the hard surface and instead- nothing. Just the air and the sudden light that shone inside, making me blink and squint my eyes after. The door had opened, and it wasn't because of me.

Some familiar hands grabbed the- what I now could identify as a metallic handle, and to my surprise, I, together with- or should I say on top of the board, was pulled out of the little cell. Outside I could finally identify where I was; some kind of private mortician hall. It wasn't mine though.

"Rise and shine, boss," I heard the deep voice of Miguel. Without thinking, I kicked him into his chest.

"Fuck, what did I do to deserve that, huh?" he demanded to know.

"You didn't stick to the plan! You were disrespecting your boss! Also, what was Erlina doing there?! Is she okay?" I answered with a voice so hoarse, I asked myself how long I was inside that box, passed out.

"Of course she's fine!" He exclaimed. "I would never let anything happen to her."

I sighed, incredibly relieved. Those four words just lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders. I had been worried sick. Another important question popped up inside my head.

"What about Adrin?!" I jumped from the surface and bit the inside of my cheek when I felt a stinging pain inside my shoulder. The injury was still fresh and hurt like hell. Also my legs were a little too wobbly for my liking.

"Slow down, boss. You were knocked out for a whole day, you should take it easy. Dying is quite stressful, so I heard. Adrin is fine, he's as-"

Right when he lifted another weight off my shoulders, I heard a loud banging noise that interrupted Miguel. He looked into the direction, sighed and walked over to the cell next to mine. He opened the door and pulled out Adrin.
"-leep. Asleep, is what I wanted to say," Miguel ended his sentence.

"Where are Ainara and Erlina, Miguel?! Are they alive? Are they okay?" I heard my lover with his husky morning voice. I smiled in relieve and just a few heartbeats later he was in sight, sitting up onto the board as I ran (or at least I tried to run) towards him.

His question was long forgotten when he met my gaze and his original frustrated expression fell, leaving behind the same emotions I felt, too.

When I reached him, he stood up and wrapped his arms around my body, just as I did with him. I pressed the side of my head against his chest while he hugged tightly and I closed my eyes when I heard his heart beating, strong and healthy. The pain radiating from my injuries were nothing against the utter relief.

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